You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Ah no… Surely not? Sure I am only a spoofer.

Putin and Covid, Putin and Covid. The sorrowful mysteries.

God help his students.

What students??

That was me.

More smilies.

Do you honestly believe i was hauled off to the guards over a few posts on the internet?

I suppose it is a start for you to accept you are low life scum. This obsession with me sure makes for quare bedfellows, which remains quite amusing.

I will stand over imprecise use of language, which I withdrew, to someone who was slighting GAA members simply for being a GAA member. You, you self righteous little gobshite, are smirking about endorsing an unambiguous and malicious (and self admittedly false) accusation by two other low lifes, somehow thinking they were in the right and I was in wrong. You are so dim and so warped that you cannot even see the contradiction.

As mentioned before, the likes of you can be bought in Petmania for small money.

I’m not disputing the timelines on when we knew what about transmitting the virus when vaccinated at all. It has been claimed here before that it was never claimed that the vaccines prevent transmission. That is clearly a lie. In the article I posted the director of the CDC is saying that the vaccine prevents transmission. Rachel Maddow regurarly parroted that “the virus stops with you”. Considering that most of the country has had Covid in the last 18 months while vaccinated, boosted and even triple boosted in some cases I think it’s fair to say that the vaccine does not prevent transmission.

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By god , the “lock me down harder daddy” bitches are out in force again.
I hope Tony houlihan gave ye all the clap ye Spineless weasel cunts.


Ireland’s most unfortunate.

Could be a TV series, with The GomadĂĄn played by Julius Kelp.

‘He called his employers Nazis! He called his employer Nazis!’

Ah yeah a couple of posts up you were holding your hands up and saying you were wrong and apologising and now you were only messing all along and it was a wind up. Make up your mind you absolute spoofer.

Florida Lead GIF


As i thought… You’ve got nothing.

I don’t live in Limerick. I don’t teach. I don’t work in UL nor have i ever. I was never ran off the forum by a female politician or hauled to guards… But keep digging away, we’re all laughing at you.

She was speaking in non-scientific terms for a non-scientific audience. The science she was working off did not claim vaccines were 100% effective against infection or transmission. The CDC, her organisation, quickly clarified that they were not claiming that vaccines were 100% effective.

Also the Delta variant was not around at that time, but it was already obvious that it was likely a new, more transmissible variant would arrive, given we had already had that new variant arrive around Christmas 2020. The Delta variant then duly arrived around May 2021.

The vaccines have basically ended this thing as something that shuts down normal life and we should be bloody grateful for them.

You are correct, in one sense: I have got nothing – but not quite in the way The Gomadán thinks.

Is Dunphy still hiding in his shed?

Look she said the vaccine prevented transmission as did many others at the time. I have no problem with clarifications or changing of minds and narratives as new information emerges all I am saying is that it is a lie to say that it was never claimed that vaccine prevents transmission. That is simply not true.

Believe what you want.

Don’t make any concessions here today, run over the cunts with your truck


It was 100 % reported and believed. Denial of that is a blatant lie.

You didn’t need a medical degree to look into the eyes of fauci, luke, tony, hancock, @Bandage etc to see that they were spoofers who didn’t know their asses from a hot rock- a few years of buying cattle in swatragh mart is more than adequate