You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

The ladybird version is that a decade after Facehop you still can’t spot a wind up.

Your problem is you insist on talking in absolutes that I don’t think are true.

Who here wanted unvaccinateds denied health care?

It was quite legitimate to support the withdrawal of some other public services from unvaccinateds. And it was certainly legitimate for private business owners to reject entry to unvaccinateds.

You say the vaccine did not prevent transmission. If it lessened the rate of transmission at any stage, that’s preventing transmission.

We did know the vaccines were not 100% effective against infection or transmission. Read my post from May 2021 again. I only posted that because I was following what the scientific consensus was.

Point me out a scientific study which ever claimed the vaccines were 100% effective against infection or transmission.

A Forbes headline is not a scientific study.


I was dead serious about it too.


I’ve never been in UL in my life, but do carry on you absolute spoofer :joy:

He made solid shite of him.

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OK lads, time to stop egging @Horsebox on.

Smiley face, smiley face.

You are a fuckwit trying to baste himself in a little personality juice by being a bit edgy and Mick Wallace like on here. Funny – but not how The Gomadán thinks.

Putin and Covid, Putin and Covid.

Youre a spoofer… Say hi to your friends in UL for me :wave:

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Any time he wants to feel superior to anyone, he’ll always have what he repeatedly said to Esteban.

Keep going. You will eventually build up the fortitude to say ‘boo’ to that female councillor in Limerick.

The Chocolate Mice lad got destroyed by me and so have you. Time for a rebrand – as Dork Mindy?


Another pack of lies, literally… Your ego has you digging and digging… Digging a hole to no where.



Is he the poster that roared online abuse at some female politician and hot tailed it down to the Gardai to ‘clear it all up’ and then rebranded.

Sucky sucky. Oh so cute. Is it not wonderful the way I unite people?

Another low life scumbag, miffed because I did not want to be friendly wendly.

Soccer heads who deem all GAA members backward sectarian muck savages can expect less than precise language. But I would expect that point to be lost on malicious dullards, same as the plain meaning of ‘about’.

Who’s the poster who put up a photo of a woman he had sex with in the mid 80s to try and win a point on here.

Lads lose all reason on here.

It’s absolutely fantastic to arrive late to this knowing if you’d been online a hour earlier you’d be in amongst it.


Nasty nasty post. You dont like to see this sort of thing creeping into the forum again.

Could have just been banter, like Richard Keys.

Where’s my solicitor’s letter?

And youre the idiot that believes it :rofl: