You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Again, we have the same absolutism and the same speciousness. I did not say lockdowns were ended solely because of vaccines. I do not think like you.

You are basically conceding that you have no basis whatsoever on which to assert Covid vaccines are “completely useless”. Fair enough. This concession has a ripple effect, of course, on many of your other assertions.

You are akin to someone who spent countless hours boning up on the Portugese language and somehow ended up unable to distinguish between use of ser and use of estar.

Myself and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy (both of whom didn’t get Covid despite working on the front line) were sneered at on the Ester C/tfk fad thread.

Lads need to reflect on it.

One of us. A coincidence? Perhaps.

But two of us……


Lolz no I don’t think that. Guards have better things to be doing. I’d say you went in to ‘clear it up’ and they laughed at you and told u to piss off.

So did I to be honest. Maybe it has some effect on transmission but the fact that nearly everyone I know is vaccinated and nearly everyone I know has had Covid tells me it is not very effective at preventing transmission, certainly less than 100%. A good bit less.

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Clear what up? You’re a little all over place here bud. You’d be best off resting up the shovel like that other fool

Don’t ask a pertinent question. Vaccine passes were just for a bit of craic.

Do you take everything literally? You’ve a vast repertoire of heady similes and not an ounce of humour in any of them. Sure ive already said that vaccines are probably a good idea for the elderly and the unhealthy. Everyone else would be better steering clear of them, at least until the scale of the criminality, dishonesty and dangers can be understood, admitted and quantified.


The fool that made a pure hames of The GomadĂĄn, same as of Micey.

Covid and Putin, Covid and Putin. ‘I am only asking questions, like the great Mick Wallace.’

Will the server go down again?

I do not think Covid vaccines offer much in the way of humour potential.

Everyone else would be better steering clear of them, at least until the scale of the criminality, dishonesty and dangers can be understood, admitted and quantified.

Again, you have no coherent basis on which to make those statements. Forgive me for not finding that state of affairs chucklesome.

You are one of the main lads who has a major problem with Pzifer and no problem with Shell Global. I find this discrepancy odd in the extreme.

I will come back to making a joke.

Sure , sure, sure… Keep going… Everyone is laughing with you i promise.


A good summation of your posts on this topic, and most topics.

Good oul BIAT, a great lad for "just asking questions


Here’s a start

Maybe you should start asking a few questions and open your mind.

That’s an excellent article

The vaccines were designed to induce an immune response and were not sterilising vaccines. They did not stop transmission. That much became clear when we had 10s of thousands of cases with over 95% of population vaccinated. Pfizer appeared before European parliament and said as much. They didnt even test if it stopped transmission.

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Tracksuits attitude towards asking questions is even more strange given he is a teacher by profession. I thought teachers were supposed to encourage asking questions rather than shutting down discussion on topics.


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Go away, you fuckin’ clown. I have made shite of you enough times for one lifetime.

Besides, I am sure you have a dance lesson with Mick Wallace to attend.

It was hair raising some of the stuff at the start. The govt rented a swimming pool complex in mobberly to throw all the dead bodies there were going to be into.
They then filled the nursing homes with covid patients. Hancock should be on trial for manslaughter at the very least.

Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London has a lot to answer for too.

Bullshit models resulted in following the CCP’s lockdown nonsense.

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