You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Dream on pal. All you have is neck. You’ve been a laughing stock since the day your mother brought the scan home.


You fully bought into the ivermectin bollox though :slightly_smiling_face:

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I did not ask you that question: namely, whether there is a health risk to taking a Covid vaccine. I asked you the basis on which you asserted Covid vaccines are “completely useless”. Separate question – one you clearly cannot answer.

By the way, you also said just now “vaccines are probably a good idea for the elderly and the unhealthy”. How could giving someone something “completely useless” ever be a good idea? You seem to be blithely unaware of gulfs in your arguments.

Ferguson and hancock- demanding lockdowns and social distancing, and them out riding in rings round them.
If the penny didn’t drop then well there’s probably no hope for society.

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Ferguson is a bluffer and an utter fcuking wanker. If he was chocolate he’d ate himself. Immediately prior to his covid fantasy, he had the whole world dying of mad cow disease, and brought misery to tens of thousands of farmers. An utter cunt and a total psychopath.


Sure i did answer it repeatedly…how many times do you want be to acknowledge that they were probably useful for the elderly and the infirm?

1 million deaths he predicted in England, Scotland and Wales.

A fucking nutjob or a right dangerous bastard. I’m not sure which.

The latter.

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Would tend to agree.

Spare me. You crave my attention but that street is very much a one way thoroughfare. I could predict everything you will ever say. You know nothing about anything worthwhile. You are just another personality alibi merchant, finding in right wing bullshit an excuse for the badnatured way you are. No one will ever remember so much as a word from you. Meanwhile, to my great amusement, there are several latchikos on here who could nominate ‘Yer man’s statements on TFK’ as their Mastermind subject – if they had a mind. Like you, they are so dumb as not to be able to see the contradiction.

You are a gullible unpleasant fuckwit. Now fuck off back to yourself. The likes of you has no point speaking to me.

Id absolutely love another lockdown. Roads like the isle of man TT and swimming up in the peaks every lunchtime.

How can, simply in colloquial logic, something “completely useless” simultaneously be “probably useful”? Would you not see a bit of a contradiction?

When was the last time you were sober?

I do, but i expect lads to know when one is being literal etc. Apologies

I’ve had every vaccine going and still got covid twice.

I love the way lads corkscrew – pun intended – to the drink line. The Gomadán nearly has a patent on it. As I just said, I could predict everything you will ever say. There are countless more gracious ways of conceding an argument but I accept your inadequacy as an IOU note.

You crave my attention while disliking my being a million times more intelligent than you, because your bad nature means your primary drivers in life are envy and resentment (and gods knows, given your stupidity, you have a lot to envy). I have met loads of people like you over the years. Ye are boring, trite and immature, caught in a loop of getting no attention because of being…

Now fuck off, like a good little fuckwit.

Oh well… Now I am being literalistic.

I have yet to hear anyone give a remotely credible account of how vaccines could have been avoided.

Cock a doodle doo


I avoided them, so did my kids


Can everyone just pause for a second and @Malarkey and @Cheasty answer this post?

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