You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Putin on the Ritz


In fairness it’s probably worth pointing out they didn’t put in restrictions during the two Christmas periods because of Covid but because they were worried icu would be over run.

I think at one point in New York they weren’t responding 999 calls or something like that anyway.

We provably didn’t want to go there around here.

Do you remember the summer of 2020, more or less full lockdown and there was no one in hospital. Illness dropped off a cliff after April 2020 thankfully.

FFG were afraid of their shit of Nphet who turned out to be a bunch of useless non-practical cunts and thats being kind. Lockdown until the vaccine was fully rolled out was their only mantra.

Yep the government showed a lack of balls and foresight. I doubt anybody would contend that.

You reckon restrictions were a waste of time and we should have let it rip until such time as a variant arrived that the immune system could cope with? 18 months in this case.

Busy bastards :joy:

Once it became obvious that Covid was something that wasnt going to do serious damage to the population - we should have opened up society in late May, early June 2020, with the caveat of protecting those who were vulnerable.

We did the complete opposite though didnt we. We cleared the hospitals and placed a large number of patients who had covid into nursing homes with absolutely no protocals. Locked down the rest of the population then.

That was a catastrophic decision and resulted in tragic consequences for our most vulnerable in society. I suppose asking that question is uncomfortable though.

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They nearly have it solved

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They opened up for a few days in December 2020 and we had one of the worst months for fatalities in January 2021. Methinks your recollection of the timeline is a bit hazy.

I think there were extremes on both sides. The Zero COVID crew seemed to be a bit headbangery but were they more naive than anything (in other words, were there hearts in the right place?)? Or maybe they were trying to make a name for themselves.

On the other side, you’d stuff like this from folks who seemed to be conspiracy theory nutjobs and/ or trying to monetize fear (see also The Irish Light, etc.)

I think it all made it very hard for rationale discussion during the time, and it still does three years on


How many icu beds have we added since January 2020?


Any thoughts on the massive increase in deaths in the nursing homes Mike, you’re moving the goal posts and not answering any of my questions.

What’s your question? Covid impacted the elderly more than younger people but all elderly don’t live in care homes. On one hand you’re saying they failed care homes, which they did but on the other hand you’re saying that we should have opened up putting all non care home elderly at risk. You also say the worst of covid was over in Summer 2020 which again does not tie with the facts. January 2021 was one of the worst months for fatalities.

Vaccines were the key. You think a later variant was but the medical professionals don’t agree with your hunch. So what if another booster is needed once in a while. I got a hay fever jab and booster every summer when I was younger. I now get the flu jab every year. No big deal.

You’ll find that’s all he has.

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Covid vaccines did and do give some initial protection but it wanes very quickly Mike. They’re absolutely fine for people who feel that they need them.

Good on you for getting the flu jab, it is no big deal, I agree. You know the flu is actually more of a dangerous illness now since Omicron took over, which I suppose goes back to my point that we did not get out of this pandemic via leaky untested jabs.

The far left nutjobs are an array of loud mouthed, one trick ponies. Posters such as @mikehunt @Malarkey @glasagusban @Cheasty @backinatracksuit. When you’ve read one post, you’ve read them all. Just rehashed garbage spin. I hope the fuck they are getting paid for it, for the life of me I can’t see why else. Would you agree @Ceist ?

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Yep but whatever about their efficacy, without one the world would pretty much have melted down in November 2020 as it was clear there were more waves underway.

The lads saluting endless lockdowns don’t seem to realise that it was the markets not turning on the whole charade of free money was what allowed them.

How would the world have coped without a vaccine?

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