You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

A Damascene joke.

A pig of a man to be sure, I abhor rudeness.

And holy week only around the corner. Some people should be ashamed.

Think happy thoughts

tv shows 90s GIF


I can confirm that @Thomas_Brady is many things. Paul is not one of them @Malarkey

Keep going, keep going. The ‘Putin and Covid, Putin and Covid’ ‘I’m so irritating that I’m entertaining’ line is being shown up for the veneer it is.

The fixation is that bit weird too. I guess stupid people feel about non stupid people the way people in Belmullet feel about Lanzarote.

Stop talking sense. This isn’t the forum for it.

See comment to Boxty.

Yer man likes to present himself as just a bluff almost saintly ‘only asking questions’ guy. The mask slips.

My name is Sim Card and I’m addicted to hash.


None of them have any answers to the main questions raised. For lads who seemingly gave countless hours reading up about something, they seem to have been left with all chaff and no grain.

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That’s @backinatracksuit , keep up.

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Cracking interactions today. Compulsive reading. Tough to wade through as the number of posts constantly expanded. The beauty of TFK is that it’s small enough for posters to know each other’s idiosyncrasies but big enough that there are vastly different opinions. The latter point means that it never becomes an echo chamber.

You’ve played a blinder in the role of a ref who lets the game flow today. We’ve had 20 man brawls with clear strikes in front of the linesman but sense has prevailed and no red cards have been brandished out in a bid to avoid ruining a good game. This is like the battle of Omagh between Tyrone and Dublin in 2006.


The point you raise about what would have happened if no restrictions were brought in is key. They seem very reluctant to address it. We got a glimpse in other countries.

I’ll humour you,

Omicron was the real winning vaccine that saved the public rather than any rushed nonsense that Pfizer, AstraZenica etc created and pushed out.

People underestimate the human immune system, its been fighting viruses for thousands of years quite successfully too.

Funnily enough i see that fraud o’neill is saying something similar, he went so far to say that boosters were superior.
It’s terrible to see what the likes of him and the various propaganda ‘think-tanks’ have done to a gullible public.

Fixation? You think everyone is fixated with you! You haven’t twigged thst you’re a complete soft touch and without doubt the easiest poster to wind up on here ever. No one gives two fucks about you… Truth is youre a laughing stock. People just like to push your buttons and you duly oblige because youre an ego maniac. You’ll go for hours and hours while we’re all sneering at you.


We coild, if it were not for your poor hygiene

When did Omicron arrive?

If only Free Form Delusion was an Olympic sport.

You got.shown up for what you are, which is grand. All the bluff hail fellow shite got erased. And The GomadĂĄn talks about pushing buttons.

I will let anyone go back through this thread and see who is courting whose attention. A cold amusement for a cold March night.

The GomadĂĄn is so egotistical and so stupid that he thinks he is clever, which is funny.

We shouldn’t be unkind to the victims of this sort of stuff. If it’s any consolation they say the more intelligent you are the more susceptible you are to hypnosis

November 2021 but it really took over from the previous variant just before Christmas 2021.

Far more transmissible but way less threat as it more or less turned into the common cold/weak flu.

Came from unvaccinated transmission too in South Africa apparently originally. Maybe Pfizer and co were doing us a favour not letting their vaccine patent out.