You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Sweden, me hole.

What the likes of Martin Feely and many of the cranks on here never want to answer concerns how the system would have coped with hundreds of thousands of Covid cases happening simultaneously. And remember: reinfection is not just possible but inevitable. I have never heard even one sensible word issued on this key subject. All you get is a bit of handwaving and side of the mouth guff about Sweden. Most of the same gobdaws could not even tell you the capital of Sweden.

Always remember: the same cranks who maunder on about Sweden gave most of 2020 arguing that everyone should get Covid because you could only get the virus once and therefore would acquire ‘natural immunity’. That craic indexes the calibre of the intellect involved with most of these individuals’ perspective. Those people are, literally, stupid – in that they have no commonsense, aptitude with logic or an ability to invest in reality-shaped ideas. Of course, for most of them, the whole Covid issue was just another version of a secret knock, a means of signalling a wish for admission into the right wing fuckwittery club. I will admit to being a bit boggled that anyone would want to be in the same club as Suella Braverman, Piers Corbyn, Gemma O’Doherty, Ian Paisley Jr, Sammy Wilson et al. But I suppose there is no accounting for taste.

“The far left”

Grow up, you fuckin’ eejit. Then again, growing up would involve actually being able to think, rather than relying on a sort of mental Lego with clichĂ©s.

These are such childish and disingenuous representations that only sid would welcome them. That’s where you find yourself

Humour me
 You scarcely have enough brain cells to count as vertebrate. And are a right wing fuckwit, into the bargain. End of. The right wing shiteology means your head is in a cage.

No point now in going on about Omicron. You were one of the ardent fools who wanted a ‘natural immunity’ ticket, who chortled in 2020 at the very idea of variants.

There really is no spectacle to beat the cavorting of a confident ignoramus. At the time, there really should have been a special branch of Fossett’s for ye – socially distanced, of course.

Are you seriously claiming you did not advocate all three of those positions?

Are you?

Because you are lying if you are. Or you are in denial, because you cannot deal with having been so utterly foolish.

You’re being silly, overly emotional and simplistic
the fact that you’ve resorted to personal insults about both myself and dr feely is disappointing
I’ve said whatever I’ve said, it’s all on the forum- nothing i said was without basis
Besides, I just went into the town there and bought a hape of plants and a ÂŁ22.05 steak.

Hang on a minute, now. I did not say anything personally insulting about you (but I certainly have every wish to insult that gobshite Feely). I usually enjoy what you write, even when I strongly disagree.

The reality is that you did advocate all three of those positions. And that they were all entirely wrong.

We all get things wrong. I do, certainly. But there is no point in pretending the advocacy never existed – not on here, any road. We see how The Gomadán likes to recur to one thing in my posting past over and over again.

I don’t recall everyone should should do anything in particular- is it possible you’re overly simplifying things? Numerous studies have shown ivermectin to be effective, others have shown it to be of no benefit- perhaps it depends on the dosage or the variant. Sure how would anything be of much use against the current manifestation- most people barely have symptoms. Natural immunity is a thing
and its almost certainly vastly superior to the dangerous gene therapy. As for scoffing at variants
i suppose thats open to interpretation, i don’t even know what you mean.

There’s tonnes of science studies and articles on natural immunity. In 9 out of 10 people, natural immunity offers up to 12 months protection post covid. Longer in some cases
 it’s the equivalent of two rounds of the vaccine.

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There’s lads on here who think the immune system is an antivax conspiracy theory

What you mean by ‘natural immunity’ is ‘post infection immunity’. I appear to have, like a small minority of people, natural immunity. Which or whether, your position has essentially been the same from day one: ‘No restrictions, no vaccines and let everyone get Covid.’ That take, quite honestly, is nuts. I also believe you hold it because you know, like a lot of other people, there was no prospect of such a set of policies being implemented and therefore you would never have to own the consequences of such a belief except in the abstract.

Anyone who does not think Ireland needed to lock down, for instance, on December 23, 2021 is effectively a nut job. Including Martin Feely.

Few people want to take a vaccine. I certainly do not, except when it is least worst option. I am choosy, most of the time, about what I eat and try to avoid processed and intensively farmed food, most of the time. So to be cavalier about a vaccine would be daft.

The whole Covid pandemic is a tragedy. But life involves tragedy, as we have the ancient Greeks to remind us. Many people lost their life in dreadful circumstances and many others lost their health. Many people lost out in their business life. I had lunch the other day with the mother in NĂłinĂ­n, the new and most talked about restaurant in Kilkenny. We got talking about a restaurant that we used frequent in Market Yard, one run by a really pleasant Italian woman. I used to feel a sort of mild awe that someone could go to another country and set up a successful business in a second or a third language. She tried to struggle on for a while in early 2020 but the restaurant soon closed and has now reopened with a different business in situ. That pleasant woman, whose name I do not even know, clearly lost an excellent business over the pandemic.

So I feel in no way blasé about the effects of lockdown and restrictions. I simply do not believe, by exercise of thought and logic, avoiding restrictions in 2020 and 2021 was a plausible option.

Here he is again, the egomaniac GomadĂĄn.

Fuck off.

Was i addressing you? I have you driven clane demented

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Bullshit. No one here believes any such notion.

You know more about straw men than Worzel Gummidge.

But: ho ho ho.

Delude yourself away.

You are a stupid fuckwit who is not going to enjoy acting the gom. Am going to turn into a small hobby.

One of the great things here was getting you to show the cowardly little cur you are.

Everyone has natural immunity, otherwise they would have died shortly after birth. So no you are not special with your natural immunity.

You are special though in other ways.


You’re living in dream land fighting imaginary battles. Lolz. Who knew it meant so much to you.

Like your whore mother, you just can’t keep your hole shut.

Look, I do not need your speciousness, thank you very much. I know all about infants who have to be kept in a sealed environment due to an immune system problem.

The referent in question is clearly whatever facilitates not being infected by the Covid virus when exposed to it, as per myself and others, rather than immunity in general.

None of those blindingly obvious points changes the fact you are another of the ‘was completely wrong’ merchants. Ye would all be better off accepting same status and moving the fuck on. But ego, in all its weightlessness, is a terrible burden.

Keep going, keep going. This stuff is really pleasing me. You are one big button. And we all know that a button is all about, for functionality, a hole.

Pay your way. Tell us, in the spirit of documentary, how (a) it feels to be really stupid; and how (b) it feels being scared of a female county councillor.

Were you always a coward? And how did the family deal with your neurodivergence, as we have now been told to call the condition? Did the family buy special jumpers for you with animals on them?

That post would make more sense if you pulled the words out of a hat and randomly arranged them.

I freely admit being wrong on some Covid questions. But unlike you I have learned a lot soince.