You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Are you asking questions?

What about covid, and Putin, and American football and Paul in UL, and 2018…

Go back to the search function you dullard.

Rubbish. I am hyper articulate and cogent.

Those qualities are part of the reason you are evidently so fascinated.

Remember: you were completely wrong after spending countless hours boning up on a subject. Completely wrong. I would find that outcome fairly embarrassing. And I guess you do, silently.


You are forgetting about using ‘seethe’. You are another of mental Lego merchants. I suppose every day for you, mentally, is like using a climbing frame in a zoo.

Did the family not buy you coloured blocks to spell out words?

What is like scuttling around, afraid of a female county councillor? Did it cause you diarrhoea? Or were you unable to notice?

Was it fear of that county councillor that made you aggressive towards women?

I Dont Believe You Will Ferrell GIF

On the large issues impacting society I was correct.

As was Sweden, everyone rational now accepts this

I approached the councillor head on and we thrashed out the incident and it was settled within 5 minutes. See her not so recent tweet about this place for confirmation you thick cunt.

You’re so absolutely demented with rage youre reduced to peddling a rake of lies and half truths to try land any kind of a blow.

And all this from the guy that bragged to the forum about bedding a thousand women… And the guy that always has a friend in situ to confirm his claims.

There’s a clear trend here - you’re a lying sociopath. With a drink problem. And we all see through you… I wasn’t lying when i said the whole forum regards you as a laughing stock. You know it and it eats away at you… Not even here in the depths of the internet are your words taken seriously… Ouch

No, you were not. Anything but. You are delusional out of ego. If nothing else, you were another one of the lads who argued that Covid could only be contracted once. I remember you saying in mid 2020 we should get it done and dusted as soon as possible. But you got a helluva lot more than that measure completely wrong.

To be fair, you are not actually stupid, like quite a few others, such as The GomadĂĄn. You are just trapped in right wing fuckwittery and tried to make Covid right wing fuckwittery shaped. Meanwhile, as some of us realized, Covid is reality shaped.

My word, a compliment. I can go about my day with a renewed pep in my step.

A lying sociopath… With a drink problem…

Neither is true. But the latter (and maybe even the former) condition would be preferable to what you are.

You have an acute stupidity problem. And an acute aggression towards women problem – as a couple of your recent remarks abundantly demonstrated.

Keep going, keep going. I am greatly enjoying making a show of you.

Do you find female county councillors a bit intimidating if they wear pinstripe? Or does that get up in a prominent woman give you a ticklish feeling like those jumpers did?

Is it nice being a coward? In the saving energy stakes?

Smiley face!

Go for a drink, it might help you come up with something original.

Smiley face again!

You are a little cowardly cur. Most amusing, though. Tell us what it is like having to become Billy Little Balls with a female county councillor to save your skin. Did you wear after shave?

Drunk On One GIF

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Surprise, surprise.

Guess who turns up when needed.

I suppose the acutely stupid never get the subtlety gene.

This video of the meeting with the female county councillor is not really ‘best foot forward’, though.

A little friend in need appearing is really a coward’s helper, fair enough.

Did your mother pick out what you wore when you went to grovel to the female county councillor? Did she advise after shave?

You weren’t directly referenced, not my fault you found offence.

Would you say yer man’s aggression towards women comes from something to do with his mother? Is that aspect his true problem, aside from the stupidity?

Id have to sit @Thomas_Brady on my couch and purchase one of those phoney doctorates online before giving a synopsis.

Drunk Music Video GIF by Elvie Shane

Ah yeah. Some men approach woman in hope of a casting couch. The GomadĂĄn had to snivel to a female county councillor because of a casting grouch. Funny old world.

He is ferociously stupid, though. So I suppose silver linings and all that. Stupidity probably helps us get through difficult moments that bit better.