You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Another big day ahead for the lads


Hardly fresh. Shur @glenshane announced this in early 2020

Weā€™re like the Israelis hunting down war criminals.

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Masks were worth it even if they just kept peoples mind on the restrictions and social distancing

Yes. Paddy is so stupid he needs stupid to remind him of more stupid. That seems to be the logic here.

I liked the masks and Iā€™d bring them back immediately. They were a great when pretending you didnā€™t see somebody you didnā€™t want to talk to. I donā€™t see the issue with them at all.

Try wearing them with glasses. A pain in the hole

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Iā€™ve unreal eyesight so I wouldnā€™t know. I just donā€™t get the big issue with masks.,

I hated wearing the mask, only ever wore it when it was absolutely necessary and only for other peoples peace of mind
They were a curse, it was a great day when that was taken away

It seems like ancient history now

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Whatā€™s stopping you from wearing one? I see plenty of elderly japanese soldier types wearing them.


Everyone should have masks on flying too and it cuts out drinking on the plane too which is a win win surely.

You could ate and drink on planes even when mask wearing was mandatory.

When you think about it the authorities were really taking the piss with that one

It definitely cut it out a lot though.

Friday Fishing eh

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Every so often one of these tweets pops up randomly and Im never sure if itā€™s a pisstake or not. Funny that they are so certain they are right and everyone else is wrong.

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Claims heā€™s disabled with long covid and everyone should still be wearing masks. A complete nutbag.

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Mate thatā€™s a pisstake

A cynic might think this release was strategically timed.