You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Byrne needs to be hounded like they hounded Phil hogan out of his job.

She has to go.

Clare never set foot in a shed in her life. Surely that’s obvious?

You’ve never been to Mountrath

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It could be a simple case of when they said “garden shed” it clearly meant “not a garden shed” and sure that was obvious to anybody.


Sure wasn’t Marty seen in the exact same shed around that time too. Anyone thinking it was genuine must believe in the tooth fairy as well.

My goodness. :joy:

Aisling O’Loughlin used to be a presenter on Ireland AM or one of those TV3/Virgin Media shows. Another one that’s been driven stone mad by the INTERNET in the last few years like Ewan, Graham Linehan & 10 of the lads here.


Graham Linehan is gone off the rails altogether.

Maybe she shed her underwear?
(Puerile i know, apologies to work computers etc)

If the shed is at RTE why is Ewan pursuing this stupid angle (not realising half the country worked from sheds)? Imagine thinking that was a clever scoop

Is she the one who went to France?

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I think so. I didn’t fly down through her tweets to confirm but I vaguely recall her fleeing from the authoritarian Irish regime during Covid.


Because of his rage and feelings that the world isn’t fair and the world owes him something and fuck jim gavin and fuck Rte even though they gave him so much without him working for it but he should have got more and everyone else knows nothing and are fools and also are taken in by the other fools who actually run anything and are also fools and and fuck the gaa and kildare who are fools and gym bunny cunts cos he met them. Is that the reason?


Thanks for the abridged version of finnegan’s wake. I’m reeling from reading that.


Xpose Gemma?

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She’d be the perfect partner for @glenshane.

Seems like the world turned into flimflam land for a few years



A new study, led by Dublin-born microbiologist Dr Aodhan Breathnach, has offered fresh insight into the wearing of surgical masks.

It says the mandate to wear them in a large London hospital during the first 10 months of the spread of the Omicron variant (December 2021 to September 2022) made no discernible difference to reducing hospital-acquired Covid-19 infections.

Dr Breathnach, of St George’s Hospital, will present the research to the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) in Copenhagen next week.