Your Super Bowl Snacks Thread (also US Presidental Election night)

It’s Superbowl weekend, enjoy it.

The mini battenburgs are going down a treat. Washed down by Dr pepper.

Some craic if she falls off

I don’t think these dancers are real.

Pre recorded in case anyone was in doubt :slight_smile:


I believe him and i are heading to a friends. In which case a shrimp boil is on the cards and everyone brings a dish. I’ll make my cajun sausage dip and for dessert a pineapple upside down. Washed down with a bottle of pinio grigio. I drove last year so fuck him, he can do the honors.

Got roped into a ‘Superbowl party’ myself this year. Feckin’ yanks


Don’t forget to polish your helmet

Aye, we gave the world super bowl as we did the indulging that goes with it.

Just realised the cleaner is booked to come on Monday morning at 8.30am. I always have a lie-in on the Monday after the Super Bowl.

FML Life.



Your cleaner realises that you’re a lazy cunt already, I don’t see the problem here?

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The problem, and it’s a significant one, is that I’ll have to get up and vacate my abode. I’m not comfortable lazing around the place or sleeping while the cleaner’s going about her business.

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For the love of God, cancel. Tell her to take the day off.

My life partner needs her cardigans ironed.


Jaysus does she not iron?

Sounds like the start of a bad porno

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