2013 Lakeside World Darts Championships

Tony Green is a proper darts commentator, not like Sid Waddell and the oul shit he went on with

Hate to break it to you, Dunph, but Sid Waddell died a few months ago and wasn’t part of Sky’s coverage for the fake championship.

Waddell was a household name when he was around, think we even had a poster here one time called after him. The PDC World Darts Championsip trophy was re-named the Sid Waddell Trophy after he died. A nice touch i thought.

Tony’s participation in Bullseye as well as his near ever present status at The Lakeside (bar unfortunate recent illness) every year puts him at the pedestal of darts. He effortlessly strikes that difficult balance between grassroots and celebrity.

Is that cunt announcer still there, the old obese guy?

Why are the PDC watchers on here so absolutely obsessed with the (authentic and original) BDO World Championships? It’s really weird.

You’ve got that the wrong way around mate. Self confessed PDC hater Sidney had his own thread on the world championships giving leg by leg updates.

The BDO is a comically awful organisation and deserves all the ridicule it gets.

Bandage, I hear the anticipation in Wexford for Jason Cullen’s World Championship debut is at fever pitch? My sources tell me the South Eastern seaboard hasn’t seen anything like it since the 1996 All-Ireland hurling final.

Very true, sid. The story was only beaten off the backpage of the Wexford People this week by the turmoil within Faythe Harriers GAA Club. :clap:

The excellent BDO website has very helpfully provided player profiles for all 32 players.

Real people, real darts.


So like a two year old you have to come on here and ruin this noble thread for genuine fans. Grow up.

Damning evidence that the Unicorn boards used in the pdc have a larger treble area than the proper BDO boards.

Real darts fans have talked about the difference for a long time on this forum - now here is the undeniable photographic evidence.

Simply put, higher standards are demanded of BDO players.


CM, as a long time forum member, you should be well aware of how childish Phil’s Darts Club followers are.

The camera doesn’t lie

That picture is not conclusive. You make it out to be a matter of fact. There are people with the capability and enough malice to distort or photoshop that picture to make a certain treble look bigger than it is. I am dismissing it.

Just like the judge and jury dismissed sex pest Phil Taylor’s defence.

It really boils my blood how these guys go out of their way to ruin this tournament for us. They certainly do have an inferiority complex.

Those photographs are used by Unicorn themselves to advertise their boards.

Then you need to get out more.

I’ve dismissed the image. Let’s move on from it.