2016 Allianz National Football League

Decent finish in Pearse with Galway coming from 8 or 9 down with 5 to play to get it down to 2 points with Tyrone hanging on nervously. Colm Cavanagh, best player on the pitch today, was subbed with the game looking safe in the bag for Tyrone and Galway made hay in his absence and could definitely have nicked it after finally finding some rhythym at the end. Conroy getting sent off early in 2nd half fucked us as we had the strong wind to play with. Encouraging fightback but Tyrone were better team throughout, Micky will be scratching his head though as to how it ever got so close.

I doubt they care much about what anyone thinks. Doesn’t mean it looks good, which was what I said.

Because he fits the bill.

I don’t think it looks good, bad or indifferent for Dublin. I’d say most people will ignore that turnip Gavin Cum(m)iskey.


Turnip or not, why bother getting involved.

O’carroll has spoken Out about his own concussion before and rugby stance on it too.

No manager has “authority” over an amateur player but will express a strong preference etc and would rely on loyalty to the camp. Maybe a view is that players better off not getting into this as not qualified to do so

Kilmacud had a session about concussion last week and separately we were told mouth guards help with Preventing concussion which was news to me but is backed up by some studies

Another concussion in the rugby today

Cummiskey clearly enjoying playing at being a journalist with a public interest piece. I’d say he watched that Spotlight movie and thought he’d try and make himself relevant between Schools Cup pieces.


Don’t see any benefit to any management in supplying a player to media for a hot-topic issue that they’ll end up having to answer questions about afterwards. I’m not coming at it from a media perspective though.

Yea, best to ignore the whole discussion alright. Good management.

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Probably thought a rugby football obsessed journalist was looking to take heat off rugby football gym monkeys getting 6 or 7 concussions per game with a bit of Gaelic football whataboutery. I guess they might have felt like it wasn’t worth facilitating him in drawing Dublin into it. I don’t know, I’m speculating, but it doesn’t seem to be an issue to me.


Who said they’re ignoring it?

Clear late tackle on a Tyrone player. Black card. As stupid a sending off as you’ll see. He’d only been yellow carded two or three minutes earlier.

Tyrone were much better drilled and more purposeful than Galway. Galway’s late comeback gave the scoreline a false look but it showed that they do have some good forward talent and they had Tyrone rattled. Shane Walsh made a big difference to them when he came on. Comer bulldozed his way through for a goal (although he clearly overcarried) and then Walsh had a rocket tipped around the post by Morgan. Had that gone in Galway could have got something from the game. But overall their ball into the forwards was awful.

Cavanagh is some narky cunt these days. Came on in early in the second half and within a couple of minutes got himself involved in a scrap following which he was running around with half his jersey hanging off his back.

I was impressed with Mark Bradley when he came on. Scored a lovely point. The Brennans look good players too.

I did

I think it was Deccie Kyne who Sean Cavanagh got involved with. It was going on for a minute before the ref copped it. Fair fucks to Kyne for not taking any of Cavanaghs shite anyway

You’d be wrong so pal. Not letting themselves be drawn into a media debate is entirely separate to suggesting they’re ignoring player welfare.

Don’t worry, the PR machine will have this taken care of by the end of the next news cycle.

As it should be. Put-upon volunteer managers in an amateur sport like Jim Gavin can’t be expected to offer medical expertise as well.

Haha. Jim is scared shitless of the media after some amateur took him apart a few months ago.

Colm Cavanagh is the one indispensable player we have at the minute, not our best player but our most important.

Good win for us and we should have enough to see out promotion from here. We’re pretty much at full strength at the minute, I think only Harte, McNabb and Joe McMahon are the players who would be likely starters were they available who weren’t in the 26 today and it remains to be seen whether McNabb and Joe will be available later on in the year. In saying that though, we’re a summer football team and we play our best on a dry, still day on a firm ground.

"I’m not going to name the team, they’re the All-Ireland champions and they were in Castlebar last night."

You just did name them Cummiskey, you fuckwit.

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