2016 Allianz National Football League

The beard on the Donegal goalie makes him look like a Durcan mini me.

Ryan McHugh is unreal.

Donegal and Tyrone are the realistic challengers to Dublin this year.

McBrearty is performing better than ever already this year. He sends strOngar and better in the air.

He could do with improving on his right though, he had one shocking miss today.

Murphy was completely dominant in midfield, lorded it over everybody.

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Going from what I saw last week against Down they seem to have a few lads ready made for county football now.

They look to have a good 25 they can choose off now. Ciaran Thompson and Eoin McHugh look very good, Hugh McFadden and Martin Oā€™Reilly would seem to be much more confident now. Rory Kavanagh being back should also ease the pressure off Gallagher. They have guys like Colm McFadden, Mark McHugh Toye, Lacey etc to come back and in give them more.

What seems evident to me is that there is a freshness this year that didnā€™t seem to be there last year. Iā€™m sure it will be the last year for Gallagher, Toye, Lacey, McFadden etc so I expect them to be at the business end of the season.

Whatā€™s the story with Darrach Oā€™Connor, he seems to have completely disappeared off the radar.

No idea. Iā€™ll ask my sources and get back to you.


Surely the medical student.

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MacAuley was doing some talk about concussion recently I think I heard?


Also an ambassador for Acquired Brain Injury Ireland.


Did his cruciate in November.

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Informative. Perhaps saying too much for the boys liking.

Quite possible now you mention it


Heā€™s had a bad run with injuries. Doubt heā€™ll see any action this year.

All they needed was a fresh approaxh

The fast twitch crux. Guys like him always quite suceptible.

Excellent player.

Donegal are going to be in the mix ongoing i feel. One sport county, financial support, passionate and recent success at both underage and senior.

I wouldnā€™t underestimate how popular soccer is in Donegal.

Ya true, it is popular. But different seasons (so guys excelling in either can flourish) means they have to be exceptional athletes to be lost to soccer like Coleman.

Basically the vast majority will choose gah. Its definitely the bigger sport.

But what iā€™m really talking about is dual counties, drawing from same pool.

Cillian Morrison is supposed to be a very handy gaelic footballer. Heā€™s with Derry City at the minute, he was back with Eunans last year in the off season. They lost Devenney for a few years back in the early 00s when he was playing with Finn Harps and thereā€™s probably a few others as well. Theyā€™ve always had a number of good footballers that have gone and played soccer but it may have turned tables there in recent years with the success of the county team and growing perks of being a county footballer.

All credit to his Wikipedia page

ā€œHe has also played the sawker brand of football popular in nearby Britain, for teams such as Buncrana Hearts and the Republic of Ireland Schoolboysā€

@Nembo_Kid what happened Peter Turley? Awful news.

Not sure, pal.