2016 Allianz National Football League

just to put some context on this , any time the gga played against the aussies and a fight broke out the Oirish got bitched slapped

It’s a good job that you’re a quisling lickspittle subject of the Commonwealth and you’re spared that mortification

Them Oz lads are full of roid rage

Then the Oirish started complaining about the Aussies being too rough for them.

Eh they nearly KILLED Graham Geraghty, don’t you remember? It almost made Kieran McGeeney cry.

McGeeney was one of the few who could sort the Aussies out. Faux hard men like Geraghty were chewed up and spat out.

Woolie should have gotten more gametime, he’d have shown em a thing or two.

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that was hilarious, they changed the rules so the Oirish were spared the embarrassment of being bitch slapped


Im a Fenian mate, I hate the GGA so the embarrassment wasn’t mine

Those first two Roscommon points :open_mouth:


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Stephen O’Brien took 10+ steps, charged the defender head down and then took another 10+ steps for his goal run

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Does he not get advantage for the first infringement? The second was definitely questionable. Yerra tis only the league though, yerra.

Again you are talking nonsense. Lyons was not a bit like that.

A great leader of men, they’d have followed him into hell itself.

:roll_eyes: If you took your head out of your hole for five minutes you might realise that wasn’t an entirely serious remark, you po-faced gimp.

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Roscommon is a proper GAA county

Some of the best GAA men you could meet Are Rossies

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Careful now.

Agree. Another county i admire for knowledge and passion for the game is Leitrim. A real deep gra for it.