2016 Allianz National Football League

I donā€™t know how people are getting at him trying to break his fingers from that video.


I certainly donā€™t think thereā€™s enough to prove anything - but it looks fairly clear to me that thatā€™s what he was at.

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What do you think he was doing? Checking for dirt underneath his fingernails??


All that can be seen there is McGee grabbing his arm and the Kerry player punching him twice, itā€™s not in any way conclusive on that footage so itā€™s some jump to conclusion to say he was trying to break his fingers.


Itā€™s impossible to make out anything more there than McGee holding his arm in that clip. If thereā€™s better or more conclusive footage up there then post it up by all means.

Not my job fella. For what itā€™s worth I doubt heā€™d have actually broken yer manā€™s fingers, just giving him a twist to get a rise out of him. Which worked.

From the footage posted up, it is impossible to make that out. People are jumping to some conclusions that he was trying to break his fingers.

The only thing we can see is a Kerry player land two punches on McGee.

That is indeed the conclusion I reached after watching it. This isnā€™t a courtroom horse, Iā€™m not looking to prove a case. If you think all he was doing was holding his arm, well then, I suppose thatā€™s an opinion too :rollseyes:


You think McGee deliberately attempted to break an opponentā€™s fingers?

Surely that Kerry player is looking at a long ban. Canā€™t be taking the law into your own hands like that. Throw a few sky digs then pretend your finger is hurt, what a fucking coward.

I refer you to my earlier post, where I said he might have given his fingers a twist. The ā€œbreak his fingersā€ claim is a bit hysterical.


The break his fingers thing is hysteric, itā€™s not really much different to when a lad deliberately treads of someoneā€™s toes to get a rise, or gives a sneaky dig in the back or ribs, or a playful cusp of the genitals, or any sort of general antagonism that goes on.

Of course McGee provoked him but itā€™s mass hysteria, if the foot was on the other shoe I wonder would the same deal be made of it.

Extremely impressive. A new style seems to be emerging. To get around sweepers and the like.

Word is they are having huge competition for places in training.

Itā€™s in Croke Park where Kerry will find it tougher against running teams, there is a big absence of pace in their team around the middle of the field.

There might not be as much made of it now that Kerry won alright. I didnā€™t see the league highlights programme, was it brought up by the panel?

Football is coming up next.

I think he didnā€™t give a shite really whether he did or he didnā€™t. Just the dirty tricks that go on in the modern game. I doubt thereā€™ll be anything done against him anyway. Fitz got a deserved red card and McGee got his nose rightly smashed in. Street justice dealt out.


McGee took one for the team. Kerry as usual are well able to dish it out but not able to take much back.

Bollox. Well able to give and take

Iā€™m on your side here mate. Thatā€™s the modern game, McGee gave it out, got it back. Matter dealt with. The sort of league game you love to see. Proper feisty. Those Donegal chaps will have learnt a lot today.