2016 Allianz National Football League

WRONG!!! rolling ball rule went out years ago pal.

It’s not applied consistently and I see it allowed by most referees.

And letting a ball roll into your hands is not picking it off the ground.

By the RULES you cannot pick a rolling ball off the ground.

You’re not picking it off the ground.

Letting it role up into your hands is not allowed . Any ball touching the ground needs to have a toe underneath it to be picked. With one exception. Goalkeeper inside the small square.

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Then the foul should not be referred to as picking the ball off the ground.

Stop digging.

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I’m not digging, it’s contradictory to give fouls for rules that they don’t actually infringe on, by definition.

If the ball is on the ground, it’s on the ground. whether it’s rolling or not is irrelevant.

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They should stop referring to the rule as a pick up as it is contradictory, by definition.

They should refer to it as the foot lift rule, they should also refer to the advantage rule as the free shot rule as it is contradictory, by definition.

It is as often referred to as “handling the ball on the ground” which would be correct.

But your hands are under the ball, therefore there is a breakwater between the ground and the ball ergo you’re not handling it on the ground.

Tyrone definitely need another year. Have a good mix but were still too dependent on Donnelly, Cavanaghs and Harte from what I saw a few weeks ago.


The ball is rolling on the ground. At the point of contact with the hands both the ball and hands are on the ground. The ball is handled or touched while it’s on the ground.
You got the rule wrong. Get over it and move on.


We’re a summer football team and I think of all the teams in the Championship who will trouble Dublin we are the best equipped.

I didn’t get the rule wrong. The rule is contradictory by definition - just like the advantage rule, which isn’t an advantage - it’s a free shot rule.

You said:

Balls that roll into your hands is not picking the ball up off the ground. I really wish referees would realise this.

The rule states

1.2 When the ball is on the ground, it may be
played by any part of the body except the
hand(s). It may be lifted off the ground with the
(i) The goalkeeper may play the ball on the
ground with his hand(s) inside his own
small rectangle.
(ii) Any player who falls or is knocked to the
ground while in possession of the ball may
fist or palm the ball away on the ground,
and may score by so doing.
(iii) The ball may not be lifted off the ground
with the knees.

So the referee is perfectly correct in his implementing the rule.

(also section ii is interesting and the majority of club referees are not aware you are allowed to do this)

gerund or present participle: picking
detach and remove (a flower, fruit, or vegetable) from where it is growing.

A ball rolling into your arms is not picking the ball off the ground.

They should refer to it as the foot lift rule as by their criteria, not allowing picking the ball off the ground is contradictory.

Just like when they refer to the advantage rule as being the advantage rule when it is in actual fact a free shot rule.

Certainly looks like the Dublin number 5 engaged in a disgusting act.

The GAA need to investigate and, if guilty of eye gouging, place a lengthy ban on this player.