2016 Allianz National Football League

Tg4 have a duty to show Gaeltacht counties first and foremost. Hence counties like Kerry, Cork, Galway, Waterford and Donegal get heaviest billing on TG4. If they are not in action in meaningful games then they tend to give the Anglophone counties a bit of a spin.

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What about counties like Antrim and Derry who have strong Irish speaking communities but are discriminated against by partition.

They are not actually Gaeltacht counties. They don’t have designated Gaeltachts. A few Provos taking Irish classes in the H Blocks doesn’t make an area a Gaeltacht.

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Is Belfast the only urban area on the island of Ireland that has its own gaeltacht quarter?

We stand up for ourselves against the Brits, they turn on us.
We get better than them at GAA, they turn on us.
We revive Irish language and culture better than them, they turn on us.

When will the staters let go of their inferiority complex with us?

Bwahaahahahahahahaa! You’re in the Wesht now boys!!

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Miserable cunts.

They’ll write epic ballads about this league game. Can you imagine what Joe Duffy will be like tomorrow :smile:

Will be great craic listening to some ignorant Roscommon County Board roaster coming on and trying to justify it.

Fucking hell that is some serious incompetence all round from Roscommon Co board. It was obvious last Sunday the pitch wouldn’t be right today and to wait til after the train left Houston to change the venue then. Charging supporters for their fuck up is just a nice cherry on top. What’s the bets there’ll be no bus afterwards back to the station?

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‘Cuuulchie muller bolloxes wouldn’t let me bring me duiuuuutch gold on the bus Joe, twas a fucking disgrace. I had to skull 6 cans in 5 minutes, I was off me bleedin box’

Laois leading Meath by 7 points in the early stages. Meath look doomed.

Give us time…

Should you not be concerning yourself with the leix hurlers disgracing themselves last night?

Galway 1-4 Cavan 1-2 after 13 minutes.

Kerry walking through Cork atm.

Meath the comeback kings once again.

Laois 1-5 Meath 0-8.

Cadogan just shoved the Kerry forward in the back, with him going nowhere really 30 metres out from goal. Fitzgerald lands the free.

It’s not the first time they’ve done it, just really stupid fouls.

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Monaghan will go down if results stay like this? @Nembo_Kid

Monaghan are 1-6 to 1-4 down against Donegal.

Monaghan need to win and Cork need to lose for Monaghan to stay up.

Penalty for Cork.


Kerry 0-11 Cork 1-5. Half-time.