2016 Allianz National Football League

Armagh 0-12 Derry 0-7.

He didn’t. He admitted a mistake and apologised and said if it happened to him he would be annoyed.

Not much more he could do.

Cork blessed to be within 3. The difference in footballing philosophies county wide cruelly exposed in 1st half.

Sean Cavanagh black carded.


If it’s true that they are charging people for the bus too tho! And apparently it was known by the Ros Co board long before this mornings announcement that the game would be in Carrick. They’ve really fucked up on this.

Christ no, Great to see a bit of fight in them.

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What did I tell you @Nembo_Kid

Mayo are 1-9 to 0-10 up at half time here in McHale, scoreline flatters Down. Evan Regan is some fucking footballer, the kind of mecurial talent Mayo have lacked inside.

Let us see him do it in the white hot heat of Championship, pal.

Derry could be dragged into a relegation battle here such is the tanking they are taking at the hands of Armagh.

Work that out for us here pal?

Are Mayo safe?

Derry are stuck on 6 points. Should Meath win, Armagh win and Fermanagh draw, 4 teams are then on 6 points with one to go down with Laois in this scenario. As Armagh lead Derry by 8 points and the minute that is a 16 point swing in scoring difference between the two teams.

Ref taking no shit from Gooch :clap:

A woeful passage of play there


Cooper booked for mouthing off at the ref after correctly getting pulled for over carrying.

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Cork with a bit of momentum now. 2 point game.

Pubs and restaurants in Roscommon would have missed out on a tidy sum if they had moved it earlier in the week. :smile:

Kerry trying to walk it in there.

Nice foot pass from Luke Connolly to set up that point.

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Not worth a fuck to us so. Laois down to 14 and lead by 2.

2 relegations in 24 hours for our County Board awaits.

Does BJ Keane think he is Paul Galvin