2016 Allianz National Football League

I think Kerry will win the All-Ireland.

Kikenny and Andrews were magnificent in the first half today. Brogan looked like he couldn’t have given a fuck, which is fair enough. But the two boys were everywhere in the forward line. Still thing Dublin have problems at the back, but we, nor they, will know how much until the semi finals.

Kerry are the same really, but look to be bedding down 3 and 6 and have a plethora of options at midfield and up front. Its between these 2 and Tyrone. Mayo and Donegal can have a say, but behind that 4 lies nothing.

Kerry look a lot stronger than I thought they would this year. Their older guard still going very well. I think the league final will hold a bit more importance this year to both sides than would normally be the case.

Good a spot as any for this, though completely irrelevant.
How would one set up a team with maybe four or five decent players, and the rest not great, all the way down to my good self, not to get hammered in every fucking game, by a hurling score?
There are two or three lads on the team could play for anyone, and I fear they’ll quit.
I don’t mind losing, but shipping biblical beatings is a bit demoralising.
How would you set up not to concede a hatful?

Pack the defense

Yeah, but how? All 15 behind halfway, or leave a couple of half decent lads up front or what.
Bear in mind there will be no wing backs tearing forward, nor wing forwards tearing back. Fitness wouldn’t be a strength. Neither would size, nor skill by and large.

Crowd them out.

Sweeper behind the half back line and when they have the ball your MF & HF play between your own 45 & 65 and stopping runners and forcing them to kick into their outnumbered forwards.
The difficult part is breaking from that into attack (need super fit half forwards) but if your main concern is keeping the score down that shouldn’t be an issue. Important to be disciplined, can’t give away frees.
At any level bar the highest that system is almost impossible to breakdown. It requires long distance point taking or super accurate foot passing to beat it.

Jettison the oul lads, they’re deadweight holding back the handy fellas

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Fuck off with that.

If you pull your mf and hf back, do their mf and hb line in particular tend to stay put?

Are the good lads in the backs or the forwards?

Midfield x2 and full back (though he is old and unfit)
We have one fit young fella (by young I mean in his twenties) who will.likely fuck.off home for the summer.
Ps full back, if you are reading this, no offence meant :grinning:

They generally wouldn’t all commit forward as they’d be exposed on the break, but the more that come forward the merrier, less space for everyone.

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How deep should your fb and hb line play?

Just leh it in ta fuck Flatty and don’t mind all this tactics shit. It’s special junior for fuck sake.


Tried that. See the weather thread for the result.

Flatty, can you not dip into your resources and buy a few players?

If it was me I would be trying to get a bad player to help another bad player and leave the good lads shoulder most of the work. Two players in front of your corner backs and between the wing/centre backs. Four across midfield, play narrow up front put one of the good midfielders to FF and tell him to play like Conor McManus.

If it was me I’d be putting my feet up in front of the fire on a cold wet Sunday and leaving the useless cunts figure it out for themselves.


If ever a thread was an open goal for @Fagan_ODowd to throw up a few diagrams