2018 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

Didn’t they ring someone up and tell them they’d banged his daughter in some depraved manner? The epitome of misogyny and with a sexual content. I understand Harte has no problem with sexual violence against women but I think the BBC were right in their sanction for Brand and Ross. *

*Cos they’re shit.

Definitely not in hartes case. Tediums, banalities and mundanities interspersed with frequent eeeehhhhhhs.

Yes and they got the bullet. Murray, as far as I know wasn’t censured. RTÉ came out with a rather lame we’re sorry if you were offended. They didn’t actually seem to find anything wrong with the skit itself.

That’s the UK, a proper country where there’s a culture of accountability. Is it even possible to get sacked from a state job in Eire?

It’s fairly hard alright,most of them try but have ive yet to see one succeed

This is all speculation, please stop presenting it as fact.

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Rte allowed a bad sketch which 100% connects back to the murder of an innocent and beautiful young woman on her honeymoon ffs.
Mickey Harte not only has the support of Tyrone Gaa people for his stance here but of any person with an ounce of decency.


I’m not presenting it as fact.

How did it connect back? It was a useless sketch but you can’t say with any certainty that the reference was intentional.

More lies.

That paedophile fella that went to England was sacked. AND @bandage defriended him on Facebook

I don’t see where I said it was fact. You’re speculating again.

It might not have been intentional but was offensive and insensitive. When I heard the sketch first I was horrified as I immediately made the connection with his daughter. Can I imagine how a father would have felt?
If it was intentional the whole organization should be shot, of course it wasn’t. Was it incompetent that nobody made the connection- hell yes and typical of RTÉ


You are unable to stand behind your accusations.

Mickey Harte is above reproach and is dead right to hold a grudge against the entire RTE organisation for a 2 minute “comedy” sketch done by a radio host and one of his producers. The link between this radio show and the sports department and particularly the Sunday Game section is very clear and the Sunday Game should apologise unreservedly for what they have done here.

Harte is dead right, there should be no forgiveness here. Despite being a devout Christian, he is not one to forgive others or give second chances once you cross a line. Isn’t that right @Matty_Hislop?

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You are unable to understand English or hold yourself up to the same standard that you expect of others.

I think you will find that it’s you who can’t understand English. You still have yet to show any development in understanding the difference between speculation and actuality.

Ladies and gentlemen we are going to have a complete cluster fuck on our hands.

I don’t think they could picked a referee with a better chance of make an utter, utter shambles of the game.