2018 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

I think the quality of Dublin’s individuals in an attacking sense is not what it was in the 2013-14 period and that’s one reason why they are increasingly playing this sort of game.

Connolly is gone, Flynn is a sub and Brogan will be very peripheral at best. They also still had Alan Brogan as an option then. Those first three were playing at either career peaks in Connolly and Flynn’s case or near a return to career peak form in Brogan’s case, in those years. You can’t replace that easily.

I think the first half of last year’s final proved this beyond doubt when Dublin struggled hugely and had to turn to Connolly.

The one thing Mayo always brought against Dublin was sustained savage aggression. Nobody has yet brought that this year, very few teams are able to do it at all and Dublin can struggle when a team brings it, because by definition they’ll only ever face it one or twice a year at most. So when a team does actually bring it it can sort of shock Dublin and make them malfunction, at least for a significant period.

Of any team this year, Tyrone came closest in Omagh, but it was not to the level needed. However I think they can up the aggression level again - Tyrone knew that game was not knockout and psychologically it’s difficult to bring that savage level of aggression in a non-knockout game. But psychologically Tyrone have to have a far more robust mindset than last year when they seemed to immediately and collectively shit the pot when they conceded that Con O’Callaghan goal.

In a battle of systems, when one system gains a clear upper hand, things can turn to absolute shit for the other one and players can panic. Given that Dublin’s game is now a system-based game, if Tyrone were to bring the necessary aggression allied to a game plan that caused Dublin trouble, it may become apparent that Dublin’s quality in attack is not as good as it was, in a similar manner to the first half of last year’s final. And this time there is no Connolly to bring on.

If you did he is talking rubbish

Dublin are incredibly flexible and practice repetition without repetition incessantly

It’s what makes them so hard to beat

That and the ability to bring on some boy from the bench - who can run like a madman, before he accelerates past a couple of lads
But I’ve a bad feeling about this one. I don’t think there’ll be much in in.

I see Harte let his house journalist out

I note he doesn’t mention rape apology or the behaviour of players under his watch as part of hartes “supreme feats”


Plenty of teams players misbehave.

Harte never apologised for rape. It’s no wonder you’re a failed lawyer.

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You’re safe enough. I very much doubt Mickey Harte is lurking amongst us.

Good quick edit to hide your failed english. I know you revel in pedanticism but if Harte can find it in his Christian heart to forgive rape, murder, dog fighting and gay porn, surely he can forgive shite jokes.

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It’s odd that you seem to have a bone to pick with a man who lost his daughter and had the state broadcaster decide this was a great avenue to lampoon him over a petty grudge.

Mickey Harte is a good man, you’re not even a man.


Jeez but that’s an oooffffttt
Go on @Cicero_Dandi., you must admit that’s a goodun

That doesn’t excuse trying to excuse a sex predator.

He didn’t excuse him. A good thing nobody allows you to represent them in court.

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Go on and admit that art made a decent point.

All Art has shown is the type of elementary mistakes even a bog standard law professional would blush about.

I think you need to look at the main three anti-Harte campaigners here to discern the lack of good points being made in their agenda:

  • a failed lawyer who can’t achieve his dreams
  • a nincompoop
  • and a Derry man who has exhausted all fellow county men to besmirch and stab in the back so he now needs to cross the county boundaries
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Whats with this court shit? You’re 18 months behind the curve pal. No wonder you’re driving a forklift.

Lovely to see two of the creeps preparing more of their irrational hatred.

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Just to correct you there, I gave up my dream to support my family


I’m just commenting that it’s no wonder you failed at becoming a lawyer when you’re fairly hopeless at preparing a solid basis for an argument.

I’m only on this forum 8 months so your 18 month claim is another faux pas on your part. Another reason you’re a failed lawyer.

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That’s a load of irrelevant balls.
In relation to the harte Rte carry on. Harte is in no way obliged to act with any logic, rationale or fairness. Its a mess of everyone’s making, but any humane reading should show that no matter how convoluted the scenario, the man has taking a kicking from life, and how he reacts is his own business. And this Derry man doesn’t offer a sincere criticism of him in relation to the matter.
What odds what I think about what he or his players should do.

A bit like the Elephant Man giving up his male modelling career to contribute more to society.


2 things buddy

  1. I passed all my exams and had been offered an apprenticeship

  2. This is an internet forum, not a court of law (strange one for you to bring up given your inaccceptance of judgement is from said court of law)

And if you were only here 8 months you’d know nothing about me and my previous legal career, unless you’re a liar…