2018 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

And another thing, you’re a failed lawyer.

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How so?

You’ve exposed yourself as a liar. Time for, yet another, rebrand.

That’s a false conclusion, like a failed lawyer would deliver.

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Good man nembo, bomber, totti or whatever you’re having this month. You’re exposed yet again.

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I don’t see anything exposed about me, on the other hand failing at law and having a horror show on the internet is a touchy subject for you.

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Ah the lies always catch whatever rebrand you’re having. Sad really

I’ve no lies to run away from. You’re the one making inaccurate claims you can’t substantiate, like a failed lawyer would do.

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You’ve substantiated it yourself. Why would someone who’s only been on the forum make any mention of something I was doing 18 months ago?

I know you’ll never admit it but everyone here can see your emperor has no clothes except for a sweaty 3 day old silk shirt.

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Why wouldn’t I?

It’s a real clutching at straws argument, a search function exists on here. It’s possible to research things prior to your time, an actual lawyer would appreciate that - a failed one???

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A search function, I’d that the best you can do? :smiley:

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It’s all I need to find out that you’re a failed lawyer. Seems to have went over your head though, the kind of thing you’d expect from a failed lawyer.


Ref them properly?


Send on a copy of the offer there to Mac for verification and that will quieten himv


Is it not the case though that Dublin primarily are about the ‘recycling moment’? Realising that there is nothing on and going back through phases and trying to probe again a different way. McGuinness was suggesting that the recycling moment is attacked with a swarm thus knocking the Dubs out of their routine.

It may be clutching at straws but at least he is suggesting a potential weakness in their game to exploit which others have failed to do.

‘Recycling moment’


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Everyone is vulnerable then.

Hadn’t stopped dublin yet.

I have not read article but it sounds like awful guff.

He is a pre planner. So he had a planning mindset. Dublin have “plays” but not pre planned moves and it’s all done thru random repetition without repetition games. There is a purpose to the games they play obviously but everything has a decision making element.

The idea is one from Russian skill scientist Nikoli Bernstein. His theory is even though hitting a hammer off a nail seems repetitive it’s never actually identical. Your swing changes, you fatigue, ypu hit nail at slightly different angle and speed. It’s the same with training. Ya it has to be representitive of the game, but you will never have the exact same play 2 times running.
Ypu cannot control the opposition for one. So what you work on is playing the game but create games scenarios “likely” to occur and practice them with as many variables as possible.
Simple stuff like
Overload the backs
Overload the forwards
Start from different parts of the pitch
Put time constraints on getting a shot off or retrieving ball

And so on.

Obviously if you expect a team to play 2 sweepers you play your games with that in mind.

This is how Dublin dismantled Tyrone so easily last year.

But that’s how Dublin prepare. That’s how mist modern good teams prepare.


Hammer the hammer. Man mark Cian O’Sullivan and Ciaran Kilkenny. They are the quarterbacks.

You can control the opposition to an extent - watch Klopp’s Liverpool v Man City last season. He knows how City play and want to play. Close off their playmaker and force them to use somebody not as proficient. Then at set times spring traps and force a turnover. Takes huge energy and coaching so that once transition happens there is an immediate reaction and attack.

Fenton has stepped into that role too when Kilkenny played in the FF line in the league.

Con’s early goal last year really messed with Tyrone’s heads. If they can keep it tight till 40/45 mins they’ll be buzzing. They finished the Super 8s game far stronger than Dublin in Omagh and got at Cluxton in the last 15 mins. I’d expect more of the same. No guarantee Dublin will pick up where they left off v Galway.

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