2018 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

Tell us your background first that qualifies you to slate a man with an AI on the CV

I made no comment on Kev’s coaching ability.

I merely said he doesn’t seem in much of a position to question Poacher when Poacher is held in far higher esteem in the game. If Kev can get a guy in the mould of Mary Clarke to come out and endorse his coaching abilities and laud him as the greatets coach he’s ever worked with then by all means do it.

You Carkies are being very clannish and parochial again.

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I’ve an all Ireland in tactical tennis

All Ireland in bespoke sports mean nothing


You are discrediting his AI win. Let us know your qualification to do so

I’m discrediting camogie. It’s a minority bespoke sport with limited competition, very low interest levels and pathetic participation levels.

It’s akin to reaching the last 8 in rugby union when only 8 countries give it the time of day.

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A lot you’d know about camogie ffs

Sure wasn’t there highlights of an All Ireland camogie quarter final double header on The Sunday Game about a month or so ago and there were about 80 people at it. It was the subject of a lot of commentary after.

Nobody gives a shit really. They might about 25% of the stadium today for a final double/trip header and most of that will be school girls given free tickets.

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There is a lot of misogynists around

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You’re a snowflake.

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It was 3k

Streets ahead of any of it’s equivalent anywhere in Europe

Irish female sport regular out performs the rest of Europe

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It was in its fuck, even the camogie pundit said the figure was 200.

We know you have the same problem dealing with figures as an Anglo Irish banker but that is just plain old lies as usual.

What’s funny about all this is the fake Italian doesn’t realize SP is not an S&C Coach and as far as I am aware has not pretenddd to be.

And his role is different to what mine has been.

I have actually discussed football with the man. I’m not totally on board with his approach however we’d be 80% in the same mindset.

I worked in consultancy this year with a few Inter County teams or managements. I can tell you now making it to IC level is not necessarily a validation of coaching ability. And that has nothing to do with SP who has proved himself more than a capable IC Coach.

The fake Italian changed tact here as usual as soon as I caught him out on his nonsense bringing comparisons that are completely irrelevant


What’s funny is the way you trip yourself up so consistently into contradiction by arguing with everything moving.

It shows you as a liar and completely unsure of who you are.


You’re getitng stroppy because you can’t put anyone up who is worthwhile who has a good word to say for you. Leave the S&C to the experts mate, you’re not one of them.

I’m the one who is being honest here, you’re trying to inflate figures by nearly 30 times over.

Nobody really cares about camogie. If that’s the feather in your hat then it says it all, I’d imagine you’d be laughed out of the hall if the S&C lads are holding an annual convention and you’re trying to give it the billy big balls.

Results say it more than words and that’s what a motor mouth like you needs to understand.

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Google my business

Check this out from an Inter County Footballer

“Great Coach, great guy too. Really cares about his athletes. I have had many trainers in my time and have yet to come across one as enthusiastic and caring with constant communication and advice. Couldn’t recommend higher. Any sport and level top notch service.”

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Irish female sport is woeful

Have you any endorsements from male all stars or male professional athletes?

Put them up there if you do and name them.

Attendances and interest in it as well as media coverage outweigh most European countries

How many Olympic golds? Top tennis players do we have

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