2019/2020 UEFA Champions League - Round of 16 Draw

They’ve largely been an irrelevance in Europe since 2015. Given they’ve the greatest player of all time that isn’t really good enough in my book.

Similar to man united its not that they’re signing bad players it’s just that players become completely shite when they join them. You can’t say griezmann coutinho de jong and even vidal were not top class players with their old clubs. They do seem to always have pacy black players who are atrocious though dembele etc. That right back tonight was complete dung.

They’ve got to at least the last 8 in each of those seasons

Not even the greatest Argentinian of all time

Ah here griezemann was never going to work. Like Sanchez with man united. They paid totally over the odds for Coutinho as well just like man united did with many players. Then they overpaid them and can’t get move them to move on.

They Also sold players they shouldn’t have sold.

You also have to sign players that suit your style or system. No point in signing messi if you are going to start pumping it long.

Each player has a true value. Once you start paying over the odds you are goosed.

Do you think Barcelona are performing well for the last 5 seasons?

They’ve a few la ligas and cups. They aren’t doing well in europe at the latter stages, but then again, it’s a really difficult competition to win.

I think the real story is how good the departed home grown players were : Iniesta , Xazi , Puyol .

Also the like of Alves were top drawer

What’s the story with Rakitic these days?

Alves was a wonderful player. In fairness Neymar was good for Barca and I’m not sure what really happened but he’s been a loss. Far more useful to them than Coutinho, demebele and griezzeman combined.

They have departed 3 years in a row after trimmings . Tonight was an utter embarrassment . Every time BM attacked a goal look probable . It was an utter embarrassment

He’s gotten old must be 32 or 33.

They are singing names, with no thought put in to whether they fit the system or not.


It’s very difficult to see how Pjanic is going to work out either and he’s 30 now.

Do you condemn all murderers

If Barcelona were a well run club they’d have Busquets, arthur, Thiago, messi, Suarez and Neymar playing for them and 500 million more in the bank.

Yeah they’ve shipped some awful hidings alright. They’ve been good and bad. Nights like tonight are obviously terrible and they’ve a lot of old players. Messi, Busquets, Pique etc all look done.

They’ve a job of work to rebuild but they’ve done it before and quickly.

It’s never easy to know when the end of a team is. But they’ve to scrap it now and go again.
Not sure a completely unproven manager is the way to go. I guess he’d be able for Messi at least. IF Messi is there.

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What’s the worst thrashing a CR7 team has received in the knockout stages in comparison with a Messi led team?

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They have never had to rebuild after such a trimming . The writing was on the wall for a few years . The rebuild will take huge money & also I think there is huge work needed on the stadium.

I like Spain and I really hope Barcelona and RM decline a bit and the other clubs make progress .