2019 LOI season premier division- #thegreatestleagueintheworld

id have to see the T&Cs mate

Don’t you support Celtic and DD is the largest shareholder .

There’s no T&Cs mate.

It’s like you being happy to take money from Pepper whilst railing against capitalists and banks.

yes, are you suggesting sports fans should get a list of every shareholder in their team and if there is 1 they do not like they should ditch that team? is that how supporting works?

yes mate, the banks cost the Irish state billions , who wouldn’t be against them for that?

Why do you say nothing about being sponsored by a Vulture enabler whilst giving out about Vulture Funds getting tax breaks?

aren’t they getting tax breaks for being charities? isn’t there some crazy loophole

bumped for @Tim_Riggins

are you really saying that Irish people should be happy with how the Irish banks have done?

We should be rallying around them?


Yes mate. Your club takes money from that pool.

You’re a hypocrite.

Where did I say that mate?

you find it odd that Irish people aren’t cheerleaders for the banks?

I am suggesting nothing . Just pointing out that you support Celtic and DD is a shareholder .

That’s the opposite of fickle

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Disagree,have to back your manager through thick n thin- we do

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I am just disappointed that you don’t appear to be a man of principle.

Dinny Corcoran was on Countdown today.

Expect a deluge of comments from fans of FC Biggles spoofing on about how this shows it’s a special club etc etc

Had he a bob Marley top on?


Done ok - Daniel Corcoran

Bring him back down to earth Friday night at the x