2019 LOI season premier division- #thegreatestleagueintheworld

Good business all round so. They sold their ground and still got to stay there.

backtrack accecpted

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Fair mate. What rent are you paying?

No backtrack.

You don’t like the facts. Rovers sold their ground to property developers just before the start of a property boom and ended up homeless for 20 years whilst shafting creditors.

This was all caused by Rovers fans abandoning the team.

a 6 figure sum is all I know

please refer to my original point

your comment does not alter that fact

You didn’t introduce any facts. Rovers had to sell the ground as they were up to their eyeballs in debt and the fans deserted the team.

the only action when you are in debt is to sell an asset? is this what you are saying?

cork are done

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Well done , always cooked properly

Nope, that’s not what I’m saying.

If rovers fans had organised themselves properly and actually attended games then maybe they could have saved the ground.

But they didn’t. They stood by and watched the place go.

Watch and learn :grinning:

Doesn’t mean a lot. Is it market rates?

if the kilcoynes didn’t mismanage the club they wouldn’t have had to try and make a quick buck

when are shels moving from Tolka btw?

They spent a decade and a half investing in the club. At some point something had to give when the fans didn’t bother to turn up.


What is the market for stadia in Sourh County Dublin?

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im not familiar what the going rate is for a municipal stadium in Tallaght but we digress, can you apologise to the forum for your misinformation re “free” stadium

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I had dealings with the Kilcoynes and was left high and dry like many others.

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It is an asset owned by the people. It is a reasonable question to ask, particular in view of the fact that others have to make their own stadium arrangements.