2020 Hurling and Football Club Championships

I think they think this is one of their last shots at an AI with this golden generation. A few lads getting old and they’ve a lot of miles on the clock. They don’t have the younger lads to replace them.

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When the dust settles and lads move on it won’t be a failure… Like I said, they’ve 7.

Written by a Cuala panel member.

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Fuck Cuala.


Huwawei will be taking those Fitbit yokes each panel member got during the lockdown back if there’s no All Ireland there to be won.

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The club game is dying on its feet. I would think no county players would want the inconvenience of club championship in a few weeks. Maybe it’s time to run club championship without county players because top county players don’t want to play with their club anymore i feel.

Briody is a fair auld whinge all the same. You’d want to be a particularly bad bastard to go training with the county two nights before a county final. You’d want to be an even worse Cunt to ask a lad to do so.

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And yet it might happen.


In the same article he acknowledges that guidance that is somewhat enforceable is likely to be broken, and then wants more guidance that is not enforceable at all. He would have done well to use the last few months to realise that all of this is a pastime and lads are free to do whatever they wish, he seems to have used it though just to find other angles to whinge and get his name in the national media.

You reckon a club player goes to training for a first round game over a club county final?

I dunno mate, but I’ve known of a fair bit of pressure being brought to bear by semi pro county management teams. If you’re a young fella, it’s hard to resist. Are you saying it doesn’t happen?

Bullshit. Scaremongering from the CPA.

You are getting very hot under the collar about something we both know had happened in the recent enough past. You can scream about it all you like, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

I don’t have skin in the game, but I don’t get the CPA’s issue with Wexford here. They may have valid issues in the past alright. I thought it was commonly accepted that club championships needed to be run off in August and September, with county following in October and November.

Wexford are doing hurling in August and football in September. I see Waterford have announced the intention to do the same. What’s disrespectful about it? It’s going to be condensed by virtue of this pandemic yokey.

It seems some lads in the CPA are obsessed by that age old GGA thing - they want a proper BUILD UP between games, even though there is no time for that.

I guess they could play alternate hurling and football rounds and the midweek fixture has really caused lads to lose the plot, but it’s hardly that outrageous in the grand scheme of things.

It’s like Eamo Ryan yesterday. People were waiting to jump on it no matter what.

Give me an example there where a player trained with the county days before the county final?

That’s exactly it. You don’t have skin in the game.

Inter County Teams are not meant to resume training until Sept 14th. Some counties look like they will abide by this rule but lots won’t (probably including my own). As usual the rule breakers will most likely get away with it.

I’d love it to be horseshit but top county players see club as an inconvenience.

So is Wexford’s plan to play hurling in August and then football up until the end of September? That’s fine if so.

The issue I see is where countries condense their championships playing midweek games in order to get their championships finished weeks before the GAA’s deadline to help the county team