2020 Hurling and Football Club Championships

What about the cup final? Was that in a smaller stadium?

Scumdalk didn’t sell their allocation out

Feel sorry the players at a personal level, but as an organisation it’s hard to have much sympathy. The various county boards and clubs have failed miserably in recent weeks and had plenty of wake up calls without any real action being taken.


‘Twas all a cod…

The Athy panel off getting themselves tested today.


Muldoons gonna muldoon.

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Fucking townies fucking it for everyone else as usual.

Sure according to Ewan the town is overrun with blow-ins from Limerick and Fingal. No wonder they are riddled

Shannon trying to sugar coat those cunts below on Church Road…

Sweep sweep

Corkie defends corkies shocker

The wagons circle

Did they win senior in Kildare?

Exemption removed for Club GAA.

Its done.

Thanks Cork.

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Any player that doesn’t want to play can stay at home. Its not rocket science,
The GPA would want to shut the fuck up.


I’d say they know they can.

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