2020 Hurling and Football Club Championships

The decision is, it is going ahead Shane.

And until the decision is made not to go ahead with it, there is no decision.


Tell your lad to wind his neck in. He must be running scared


That has been discussed elsewhere.

Wow, you Limerick boys are touchy about Shane.

We had the same guff when the club championship opened back up.

“Oh I don’t feel safe, I don’t want to play.”

Grand, don’t play then. Let those who want to play plough on.

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It’s not like we’d stop the entire world cos a small minority don’t feel safe…

Look where that got us :smiley:



I firmly believe there is little or no chance of contracting “the covid” on the field of play. Sadly, its the getting to and from the field is the issue, and then the bollocksology that comes about afterwards. There will be less fuckology associated with the intercounty game.

I say let the boys play, and come down on any fuckacting like a tonne of bricks.


You’d swear he was managing Clare.

Apparently all the Kerry lads are driving individually to Monaghan this weekend.

Cute hoors #mileage


The championship will not go ahead i’d say … we’ll be lucky to have one next summer also.

I was certain it would go ahead but seems to be a momentum against it in last 24 hours.

Their “fresh approach” is to

so this fresh approach to a volunteer based system is a change to what was in previously?



In all seriousness I think more and more clubs will be going down that route

Particularly if it is a shortened playing season. But there are still a number of clubs who have no outside involvement (payments) or at least not as a full time basis. I just laugh at this “fresh approach” as if it is some sort of novel and unique idea. Similar to all the furore over the GAA clubs scene and people moaning about club houses and their pubs still going, when the majority of clubs outside of the pale are lucky to have dressing rooms, never mind a club house that has a publican licence.

Also, it says “all adult teams”. Would any club have separate or pay for any sort of coaching outside of the first/senior team? We’d be lucky to have someone gather the junior team together for a match, trainings are luxuries after that!


Bit embarrassing really. Basically admits they were paying coaches before. I hope they’ll be able to deal with the avalanche of applications in the two week window.


All adult teams ? Implicit here are junior teams ?? :joy::joy::joy::joy: