2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Generally they will play what all the other kids are playing.

In rural or more depopulated areas there is decent involvement in GAA.

In urban areas less so.


Mayo fans are so cross with McStay saying on commentary it wasn’t a foul that you’d swear McStay went down from the stands with a hammer and smashed the lads jaw himself :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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McStay’s a wanker though so he’s fair game. It was a shocker of a challenge. At every part of it McLoughlin was facing Small front on but Small turned the shoulder and buried him. It was a nasty hit and it was obvious on first viewing.

McStay is the ultimate Uncle Tom.


Was there any truth in those what’s app rumours that portrayed another reason why he may have departed? In fairness he had no more worlds left to conquer after a 5 in a row.

TBH I still don’t think it was deliberate.

I couldn’t be arsed writing 400 posts defending that position, but for me the video below captures it best, (I know the tweet itself disagrees with me) he lines him up alright but they are side to side and a shoulder is on, he does actually hit him partly on the shoulder but McLaughlin in the meantime is turning into him completely unaware small is coming and he ends up gets an unmerciful wallop of the top of Smalls shoulder into the jaw.
But there is no way John Small could have known that was where his head would be when he started the tackle. He went in to do him no doubt, but I don’t believe he had any intention to hit him like it turned out.

The attempted character assassination of the chap is a bit much. The picture going around of his elbow up in the air which is clearly a still of after the tackle, is cuntish.

It was a foul, as the tackle was mistimed as it turned out, which is the responsibility of the tackler, it was maybe even a red card, but the shoulder was on when he went for it, and unless you want to ban the shoulder completely then you are going to have to expect some of them to be slighlty mistimed.

I also completely reject the idea that is was so blatantly obvious that the ref should definitely have given him a red. On first viewing I didn’t even think it a free.


Not unlike when Tyrone’s Morgan broke Paddy Andrew’s jaw with a shoulder and got a yellow card.

@Cicero_Dandi gave the Tyrone man the benefit of the doubt - it would be churlish to suggest any bias

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Small turns his shoulder into a guy who is facing him front on.

I can’t see how anyone can reasonably argue he was doing anything other than doing him there.

This is the exact opposite for one I can remember McGeary getting a straight red for in Tuam, where McGeary lined the Galway player up for a shoulder and the Galway player changed direction at the last minute, it was a split second out as a result and he got a red.

There was no split second here at all. McLoughlin is facing Small front on and Small has turned his shoulder in to do him. Cowardly in the extreme, absolute nailed on red card and it was by no means a difficult decision - real time or not.


McStay is an utter gobshite, says a lot if Mayo don’t even want anything to do with him. He’s generally wrong about everything

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Nowhere near the same thing.

Of course not. I’d not suggest any similarities.

In one case a Dublin player jaw was broken by a shoulder and in the other case a Dublin player broke a jaw with a shoulder.


Andrews shoudler is facing the the side Morgan is lining up here.


Here McLoughlin’s chest is facing what Small is lining up.

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It’s not even close to side to side :+1:


Yes. Completely different as those videos show.

Morgan lines Andrews up from the side.

Small lines McLoughlin up from the front.

You’re wrong, it is.


Jesus that’s filthy


Niall Morgan’s challenge is worse there. He’s just not as strong as John Small


It is. Was fuck all about it either. It’s far worse.

It’s really not. He comes inside Andrews right arm ffs sake

His elbow shouldn’t have been up if he executed the shoulder correctly. I think that’s what ultimately did the damage.