2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Small turns his shoulder into a guy who is facing him front on.

I can’t see how anyone can reasonably argue he was doing anything other than doing him there.

This is the exact opposite for one I can remember McGeary getting a straight red for in Tuam, where McGeary lined the Galway player up for a shoulder and the Galway player changed direction at the last minute, it was a split second out as a result and he got a red.

There was no split second here at all. McLoughlin is facing Small front on and Small has turned his shoulder in to do him. Cowardly in the extreme, absolute nailed on red card and it was by no means a difficult decision - real time or not.


McStay is an utter gobshite, says a lot if Mayo don’t even want anything to do with him. He’s generally wrong about everything

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Nowhere near the same thing.

Of course not. I’d not suggest any similarities.

In one case a Dublin player jaw was broken by a shoulder and in the other case a Dublin player broke a jaw with a shoulder.


Andrews shoudler is facing the the side Morgan is lining up here.


Here McLoughlin’s chest is facing what Small is lining up.

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It’s not even close to side to side :+1:


Yes. Completely different as those videos show.

Morgan lines Andrews up from the side.

Small lines McLoughlin up from the front.

You’re wrong, it is.


Jesus that’s filthy


Niall Morgan’s challenge is worse there. He’s just not as strong as John Small


It is. Was fuck all about it either. It’s far worse.

It’s really not. He comes inside Andrews right arm ffs sake

His elbow shouldn’t have been up if he executed the shoulder correctly. I think that’s what ultimately did the damage.

Some lovely long kicked foot passes, some tremendous fielding, great movement and score taking and not a sign of obstruction/ closed fist tackles/ whinging/ self-appointed refereeing in sight.
A real throwback in time an a boost to both counties. U-20 is where it’s at.


Small was lucky not to be censured for another cheap shot at Ryan O’Donoghue after Byrne had conceded the 45.

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Cowardly belt. If you go in at that pace and the receiver can’t see it coming then if you don’t get it 100% right you should be sent off. Obviously applies to Sunday’s tacke too.

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A forgotten iconic moment from the other night was where your man Jim Roche (I think that’s his name, he’s been hanging round Dublin dugouts forever?) had to give the ref the team-sheet to sign before Extra Time.

Absolute amateur hour stuff but it really added to the sense of occasion.

No. I don’t think there was anything in those rumours

Somebody has misinformed you here Spidey. The Dev sqiads work around club fixtures in Dublin, not the other way around. No player ever misses a club game because of Dev Squad. As a result there is far less dev squad activity in Dublin than most other counties.

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