2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Exactly the same thing happened to me this morning. I may be sitting beside you.

Pints, football and Covid.

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If Mickey Harte was still in charge I think that Tyrone would have got a panel of 30 together for this.

I think realistically when Croke Park wouldn’t budge on the extra week it meant that those players who tested positive and couldn’t train in the lead up were effectively ruled out which meant one of two things.

a) They forfeited
b) They called up an additional 10-20 players outside the panel and fulfilled the fixture

They should have opted for the latter.

They went on the piss after the ulster final.

Blind Freddie could see this is a strategic move. The GAA will give them another week instead of the farce (and financial loss) of a bye.

They’re amateurs. They work, have families, have girlfriends or wives who work

12 of the Spanish national team contracted Covid weeks before the Euros too.

Fuck them if that’s the case.

And they were all fine to play after

Yeah, they all caught in a pub. :rollseyes:

The 4 lads must have caught it in a pub before the Ulster final.

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Yes. All Tyrone are looking for is another week. Spain called up additional 15 players when this outbreak was announced.

You would have to be sceptical though :smirk:


I think Tyrone are gamming on here. Unless they are a statistical anomaly most if not all the 17 will have had little or no symptoms. I hope the gaa call their bluff


The semi should be put back to the Wednesday night 10 days before the final.

That would be some occasion.


A proper European night. Ireland v UK.


The issue is they can’t train.

They will go into a semi final with no idea on who has or has not been impacted by it. Some will, some won’t. This is why they wanted the extra week, those players are not cleared to train until late in the week and there is no way to properly assess their fitness.

That’s the issue here. The extra week would allow them to monitor whose fitness levels are good and whose aren’t.

Would you like to pick a squad of 26 with 17 players who have hamstring strains?

What? Players don’t lose their fitness in 10 days mate

With a virus they will. Colds and flus will adversely impact you for weeks after. It’s clear you’ve never been involved in any sport or athletic pursuit in your life.

I’m sure anyone clued in to the situation knows exactly what happened here. And you can be sure the GAA do as well by now.

The Pandemic Paisley has suddenly turned into somebody who panics about Long Covid. Amazing what can happen. :grinning:


Expand on that please.

If they had taken the first cases seriously and adhered to guidelines it wouldn’t have got to this. Fellas living with positive cases and training away