Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

We’ll probably end up defeating common cold from all this. Be interesting to see if other illnesses are curtailed due to lockdown, hygiene and social distancing

The bald lads just need a cure for baldness now.

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We have no health service and there afraid to start it up as the COVID panic gives them a handy excuse to keep it shut

We need someone to blame for all this panic.

So when can we go back to normal?

Liverpool are about to be lift the league trophy. We are back to normal.

You’d be very skeptical about someone who rings in sick with a cold from here on in.

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Yeah. How the fuck did they catch that.

Grown men hardly need a day off work with a cold?

No but grown bald men will


Only in public service

Heart beating at 5 times the normal rate after 5 weeks was just mentioned on RTE, we laughed at this earlier, sounds insane

Over 300 bpm??

Is that even possible?

You can’t make up some the claims about the virus been throw about. Project fear is being rampped up

It’d have to be just a rapid spike or something? You’d be dead otherwise surely

5 times @TreatyStones’ normal BPM on a 5k run would only be in the low 120s.

5 times @flattythehurdler’s normal BPM on a 5k run would still be in Ed’s head.



@batigol is going where he’s told in any case

“herself was asking me” :roll_eyes:

Pints = deadly. Pints + pizza = Not deadly


Neil Ferguson had half the western world revved up into a blind frenzy over a pandemic of epic proportions that was going to kill us all if we didn’t hide under the bed. We were subjected to months of Leo, Simon and Dr. Cervical Check talking down us like you would a child. They lied about the rate the virus was going to grow, they made decisions of the back of manipulated data, and these decisions have unnecessarily placed the country deeper into debt.

The kicker in all this, and it is a kicker, is that the past winter-spring season hasn’t even been close to the ‘deadliest’ of the past 25 years. When we look back at all cause mortality as a percentage of population, would this past season even make the top-10. The mid- to late-90s were worse.

Anyone with a functioning brain could see that the vast majority of people that died with Covid-19 were elderly patients that had serious prior medical conditions. There was no reason to suspect they died because of a new virus, and it’s highly probable that the number of people under 40 that died from Covid-19 is statistically insignificant.


Nail on the head