2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Sligo werent offered a refixture

Look at Fermanagh last year. The issue is the guidelines and rules. The squad was mass tested after training on the Friday night and 17 players returned positive results. Some might have had it for god knows how long. How many players were playing in the Ulster final that had it?

They key in the guidelines is to make people. Casual rather than close contacts I.e. No close contact dor more than 15 mins etc. That’s why no dressing rooms etc. If a county has had a major outbreak then if you follow the guidelines one or two positive cases shouldn’t be massive impact. If you don’t follow the guidelines however…

The cork u 20 hurlers for e.g didn’t follow the guidelines I’d suspect once the game was over

They didn’t really look for one.

What are the guidelines again?

They should just have the losing team in today’s match play kerry next week. Am sure they wouldn’t mind a second bite at the cherry.

They are published publically have a read of them there

V interesting that you are banging away here defending Tyrone without understanding the guidelines.

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That would be a terrible idea

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at the time, I think the GAA out their stall in advance of the champo, none would be granted

I’ve asked what they are and seemingly you don’t know.

You’re the one proclaiming them. Tell us the GAA’s guidelines on this, they shouldn’t be too hard for you to find if you’re saying what you are.

I know them. I’m comfortable with them. Iv read them. I’m also not wasting my time trying to educate you. They are publically available have a read of them

If Tyrone had a decent club structure they could have weathered this storm

Most county panels were vaccinated 4/5 months ago to stop this.

You know them but can’t furnish them?

Not very encouraging.

Remember those lads that played Crossmaglen wearing jeans that time?

Mickey and the 2003/5 squads should line out for the craic, worst case scenario.


So most squads pulled strokes to jump vaccine queues?

Now that’s a scandal, they should be kicked out of the Championship.

So they might underperform and lose but the whole country would know the exceptional circumstances they faced. They’d have a chance albeit a long shot.

I’m not sure what they achieve by just giving up beforehand :man_shrugging:

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Shameful quitting

I agree.

I don’t think they should have withdrawn. I think they should have found an extra 10-15 players to add to those unimpacted and fielded a 26.

The issue seems to be some people think it’s acceptable to throw up to 17 lads into a matchday squad that they have absolutely no idea on their fitness on. This was why Tyrone wanted the extra week so they could have a full week’s training to assess the impact and fitness Covid had on those positive cases.

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It’s actually outrageous. The greatest act of cowardice you’d ever see

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