2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

So they’re pulling out without even assessing fitness etc? I haven’t been following this…do any of them have symptoms etc?

agreed , they would have got huge kudos even if they lost to Kerry and I suspect they would have taken a lot of it themselves for playing, fulfilling the fixture in such adversity

be a great way to get a look at the extended panel and develop them for 2022

They had very little to lose by playing it

I reckon most Tyrone GAA people are not happy with this decision

Those who tested positive last week (of which there are 17 apparently) will only be available to train from Wednesday/Thursday on so it’s effectively impossible to adequately assess their fitness levels before the game.

I would know lads on 5 county panels and 4 of them confirmed they skipped the que. I didn’t ask the other yet.

Each of them would have a doctor and rather than dump them they used them.

I’d say most people be fine with that. If hoggy boi wanted to take my spot I’d give it to him with a heart and a half

It’s a red Herring anyway because you can still get it and transmit it with the vaccine

I’d agree with that.

But @the_man_himself seems to think Tyrone should be throwing 17 lads into the deep end who have had the virus, have not trained in at least 2 weeks and who management have little to no idea on how their fitness levels have been impacted.

Tyrone should have fulfilled this fixture with an extended panel.

A light training session on the Wednesday or Thursday would be enough to know if it has significantly impacted lads or not

You seem to suddenly think Covid does effect young people significantly.

When are you booking the first jab?


fair play Fulvio, I have no doubt if the call came , you would have togged yourself to get it played

what is the vibe amongst of the rank and file in Tyrone re this decision?

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A light training session a few days before is enough to know whether 17 players have recovered sufficiently for a major Championship game? You just keep on proving how little you know or understand about high level sports or atheltics.

A midweek evening game the following week in Killarney would be a fair enough compromise

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Lads would know themselves straight after a light training session whether they would be able to play 3 or 4 days later

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No they wouldn’t. A light training session doesn’t show whether you’re fit for a 70 minute game at Championship pace.

You’re clueless, some fat lad behind a keyboard who has no real understanding of things.

Sure they could train separately…a few timed sprints etc. It seems bizarre


interesting idea

You’re allowed use subs you know mate? Even give them more subs if they have to. You’d know straight away after a light session whether you’d be able for 40-45 minutes in a game a few days later. And are all these 17 lads coincidentally made up of 15 starters and 2 of the first subs on?

I’m a lean 12 stone at the moment I’ll have you know mate

I know you are. Do you want to be subbing 5 players in the first 20 minutes because they are flagging?

It’s abundantly clear you have no understanding of this so keep embarrassing yourself.

Seems to be a closed mindset up there looking for reasons not to play. The kerry or mayo lads would crawl out of their death beds for it and that’s why they are so respected

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mayo fielded in the early stages of the champo without a good few players owing to COVID??? V Leitrim

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