2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Are you telling me lads in a training session on a Wednesday or Thursday wouldn’t know themselves if they’re only able for 20 minutes 3 days later?

Give them an individual fitness test on the Wednesday and compare their results to the last time they were tested

Yes. It’s a light training session you plank.

Unless you want a lad killing himself to see if he can do it for longer. You don’t seem to have any understanding of top level sport.

A light training session still involves plenty of exertion. You’d know straight away after a warm up even if you’re going to be gone within 20 minutes.

Also, suddenly Covid completely wipes out the fitness of 1 in 3 fit 20 somethings.

No it doesn’t.

You would rarely see a manager throw in an injury doubt on the back of one light training session a few days before the game, nevermind 17 in on the back of one light training session. You’re talking out of your arse here and getting badly exposed.

Who knows?

A flu could badly impact a fit 20 something. The whole thing you seem to be too thick to take on board, is that there is no way to properly assess these guys and their fitness in such a compressed time. Why is it Tyrone are only looking for a one week extension if that’s the case?

Some people thought it was only a bad head cold

What about a fitness test on the Wednesday and compare it to their previous results?

What sort of fitness test? One for a hamstring strain or one that impacts your endurance and stamina? You do appreciate there are different types?

A comprehensive test of speed and stamina would be very easy for an S&C coach to prepare. It would actually be a better way of judging it than a normal training session as it would isolate the speed and fitness part.

How would Covid cause a hamstring strain?

You’re utterly clueless on this.

In order to assess whether a players fitness/stamina levels are capable of lasting 70 minutes is by playing at a high intensity level for that period of time. We have 17 players coming back next week who are off the back of an illness and have not trained in 2 weeks and you want to assess their endurance and ability to play at high intensity for that period of time on the back of a couple of sprints and a light training session.

My word, you are some fucking clown.

Afraid of the hiding they’d get


Lies, I said a fitness test. That is not a couple of sprints.

Let’s say the game is delayed a week, how would you assess their endurance and agility in that scenario?

That’s what a fitness test is

I asked you what type of fitness test before and you avoid answering.

What type of fitness test?

3 days before a game on 17 players returning from injury?

Do you want them to be given a pre season? If they’re as wiped out as you seem to think they’ll need a challenge match and all

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A fitness test which tests their endurance, speed and agility. Easy for an S&C coach to make.

An example would be a shuttle run test where you are on for 30 seconds flat out accelerating and turning every 5 yards for 30 seconds on 30 seconds off 5 or 6 times and the players would be supposed to end at approximately the same point on each run

If they were beat by 30 points they would still have some self respect and the respect of the rest of the country. Instead they are looking to keep club players kicking their heels for another few weeks in the four counties involved.


I’m saying you can’t ascertain these guys fitness in one training session a few days before the match. To do so risks injury and scuppers recovery and preparation.

It’s nonsense being spouted here, easy spot the fat lads who never played any level of team sports.

Could they not let Donegal or Monaghan play instead of them?