2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

That would be a good solution. Iā€™m sure even if neither group had been training together since they were knocked out they would only be delighted to play

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Donā€™t play then. Forfeit the game

Will you be getting your vaccine given that young healthy people are getting very sick?

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Covid now makes young fit people terribly sick :smiley::smiley::smiley:

You couldnā€™t make this up.

Morto for @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy


If the Tyrone awkward squad had got their vaccines theyā€™d be grand to play


Iā€™ve had fitness tests on the morning of a match

Surely Monaghan will play despite not havenā€™t trained in 2 weeks.


I donā€™t think itā€™s possible in the current circumstance for the 17 players who have tested positive to be considered.

That leaves two options:

a) Forfeit
b) Play the game without the 17 involved which would mean pulling lads in from the cold to tog out next week

Iā€™d prefer option B but itā€™s a bit of a mess.

I presume he has the jab appointment sorted after hearing about how sick all the Tyrone lads are all week

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Youā€™re confusing things.

Did you have a stamina/endurance test or a test of a tight hamstring or something. They are completely and utterly different.

Have I fuck.

You seem to be having one of your stupidity attacks and thinking some of these Tyrone players have been seriously ill or hospitalised.

I hadnā€™t trained in a month and was taken for a chelsea set. The physio looked at how hard I was breathing, took some measurements of things I didnā€™t understand and told the manager I wasnā€™t fit for 90.

One player to make a judgemental call on. Not 17 panel members, many of whom are starters and key players.

How many physios and s&c guys have Tyrone?

Break in 4 blocks throughout the day. Youā€™d have it done in a morning.

Players 1-4 in omagh at 10., players 5-8 at 10.30 etc

Do you really think any more than 3 or 4 would be badly affected by it?

Iā€™m asking if you want S&C guys making 17 judgemental calls on the fitness of players.

Thatā€™s ridiculous. Case in point is Michael Murphy a few weeks back, had a fitness test, started against Derry, hauled off after 20 minutes with a reoccurence.

These are highly subjective calls with little solid basing. It might be manageable for a team to make a call on the fitness of one player but to have 17 under the same criteria, there are huge, huge margins for error. Do you think a physio, S&C guy would like the onus of making a call on the fitness of 17 guys a few days before a game?

Kerry being very hard done by here.

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I havenā€™t a notion, itā€™s impossible to tell what impact itā€™s had. The only way of knowing would be to have them undergo a good hard training session in sufficient time before the game. Thatā€™s not possible.

Youā€™d have to wonder if the arse opening Tyrone got from Kerry in the league has prompted this offer of a walkover. Like ringmen throwing in the towel for an overmatched boxer.

He does it with 36 every time they train. Fitness is evaluated constantly. Its his job.

You havenā€™t a bulls notion