2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Maybe second half

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Comerford needs to fuck off back to Peregrines

Cooper and Philly need to be retired and they need McCaffrey back.

Will Dessie be under pressure?

Yes. An utterly compelling completely illogical game full of bile, spite, controversy and quality.


Dublin tried to throw the kitchen sink at Mayo from the off which was very undublin like and only for terrible shooting Mayo should have been 1 or 2 points behind without playing well.

Mayo rolled with the punches in the first 35 and Dublin ran out of fizz.

Like you said the clues were there in first half . Mayo missed 4 very scoreable points , that would have left two between them at half time … dubs never really got going …Mayo energy and madness took over in second half …

Worked alright for Gilroy and Gavin. And Dessie did win 1…


I hope they do it but that’s the usual Siren-like beguilement that lasts until Donaghy or Murphy or Clifford roofs one in the first few minutes.

Probably shows how far the Dubs fallen back this year that they were beaten by a Mayo performance that wasn’t particularly great. They’ve played far better against Dublin before and lost.

Dublin were caught in a web of their own process driven negativity and allowed a side being well beaten a route back into the contest.



I think there was no joy in it any more. That led to the tiredness and lack of inspiration or kick or fightback.

No team can go on forever when there is competition.
It was surprising that they won last December. Mayo could have taken them and cork did then a huge favour

With any justice they will be down now for a while. The fun went out of it after the 2017 replay.

I’ll read back over the thread tomorrow, but for now… FUCKIN YESSS MAN!!! :bangladesh: :belarus: :bangladesh:

What a day, what a performance, what a bunch of men. Swanny O’Hora, Paddy Durcan, Enda Hession, Kev Mc, Conroy, ROD, all absolutely immense.

My throat is red raw but I don’t give a fuck and there’s rivers of porter flowing to ease that.


Dublin teams that included cluxton , mccaffrey, Flynn, Macauley , Connolly , mannion , mcmenamin , brogan…

Congratulations @Liqourice_Pipes


This sums it up lovely


fair play to mayo but there is an awful whiff of 2012 about this, oh yeah well maybe 2006 really or 2004 or …1997 or 1996.

they eventually got the better of kerry and the dubs, kerry in 2014 and dublin again after doing it in 2012, but its always in a semi final…always a semi final

they’re just not winners…kerry will win this pulling up…

actually can we do a thread @Cheasty chronicling mayo in all ireland finals beginning with 1989 v cork

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Mayo get to finals, Kerry win them



you reckon so??