2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

And they didnā€™t even have to mention the occupation of someoneā€™s wife to cause it!


Tyrone benefitting from special treatment from the gaa.

I donā€™t follow twitter so didnā€™t see that but heard his shite yesterday. now Kerry will probably beat Tyrone and Mayo I havenā€™t read up on this thread but the one big thing that stood out is that Dublin didnā€™t have a forward on the field that could take the really difficult scores like Connolly or B brogan

Gooch was blackguarded in the 2005 final.

Iā€™d imagine Kerry will go in as big favourites. By all accounts a number of players wonā€™t make it. Two Dungannon lads had been added to the panel last week and there will probably be a few more additions this week.

But at least they will have the adequate time now to assess players and what shape they are in and pick a team accordingly.

Gooch was a genius. TOSā€™s bollox has as much relevance as Gary Kirbys finger

Itā€™s a fair compromise all round. Tyrone were always going to be accommodated. We are in the midst of a global pandemic. The health and welfare of the Tyrone players and management was the paramount consideration here, and in fairness it was treated as such.

Heard a vaccinated player was hospitalisedā€¦

Eoghan McLaughlin?



Anyone know time of final throw in?

No. Tyrone havenā€™t announced it yet.[quote=ā€œPerez2017, post:3197, topic:33202, full:trueā€]
Anyone know time of final throw in?

3pm I think

On a Saturday? Was it a 5 throw-in for the last few replays?

Yeah it was 5pm previously but they had 3pm pencilled in for the final on 4th September.


Just booked the room :+1:t2:

Here we go
Here we go
Here we go again

Like a Harp, surely?

Kerry will struggle to compete with a fully fit Tyrone outfit. Iā€™d be mindful however that the powers that be will want a referee they can count on to get their own back after Tyrone showed them up. The company ref doesnā€™t always work out as planned mind you, see yesterday