2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Needs more money thrown at the problem

A multiple AI winning defender isn’t good at giving a shoulder?

Did Small mean to break McLaughlin’s jaw? No, obviously not.

Did he mean to hurt him? Hell yes. And that’s an entirely legitimate aim.

That’s playing on the edge. Small crossed over the edge with the tackle, even if he didn’t mean to, and I don’t think he did. But there’s always a very good chance you’ll get away with it if you do cross the line with that sort of tackle, because it happens in a split second, and emotions are high, and it’s hard to trust something you see and make a massive decision off the back of it. If you see it clearly. If you see it at all.

This is why rugby has video replay.

Sorry, o haven’t read back through the thread so o don’t know what the entire discussion is about,
I am in 100% agreement that it should have been a red and it was dangerous, I thought there was a suggestion that he meant it as it happened and I have an issue with that

Small has got a few right like the Dublin Co. Final last year but a few have gone horribly wrong like Saturday and the 2017 final.

Small didn’t mean to break his jaw or hit him in the head/face area. Only an absolute psychopath or someone who has had the red mist descend and is looking for revenge ever would and neither applies here But he went in to absolutely burst him with a shoulder and he got it wrong, he was reckless and it’s a red card every single day of the week. That’s the chance you take when you go in so hard. Surely most reasonable see it as as simple as that. Morgan didn’t go to break paddy Andrews jaw either but his shoulder looks much worse as he’s not used to throwing them being a long string of a goalie.


At IC speed, when they’re a small bit off the consequences can be awful. I don’t know about taking it out of the game though

I think pro sports are.more attractive to most dubs mate

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I’ve probably posted this before but Donal O Grady stated that he coached his players not to give wild shoulders as being slightly off would likely result in a sending off.

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Small should get a ban for it too. Are there any retrospective bans anymore ? He’d be a huge loss against louth next year.

Only if the ref didn’t take action. McCarthy probably due one as well

Hard to see a ban being imposed when head-buts are retrospectively cleared.

Blind side hits where a player sees they’re about to get smashed 0.2 seconds before it happens are dangerous.

But the nature of the game is that a lot of shoulders are of this type.

The McCarthy on Mullins one as well as two in 2013 by Tom Cunniffe on Peter Harte and Rory O’Carroll on Enda Varley were shuddering. The idea of these sort of tackles comes from a bygone age, a lot like the problem rugby faces with tackling. When 2010s and 2020s players do it, it’s a different ball game from lads in the 70s doing it.

But then again, the elbow was the weapon of choice in those days.

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I didn’t say that. I said an accident is not an excuse. You can’t just say ah sure it was an accident and let it happen repeatedly. It’s a red. If you get it wrong you pay the consequences.

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Spot on.

I don’t know where I got that idea from

Oshea gone for the final for starting fights when he wasn’t meant to be on the pitch

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He had to go. He should have been shown a red card on the day.

The lad who got his jaw broken kicked down a Galway player who was through on goal in last minute with Galway two points behind.

It’s about winning these days and lines are constantly crossed.


Even rugby?

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It’s called exaggerating for effect. If “accidental” is an excuse for a shoulder to the jaw, then you can have people doing it all over the place.