2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

I’d agree, hard not to think all this hullabaloo is.to distract from.the real issue

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Id imagine that the shoulder tackle results in concussion on occassion aswell. Its a matter of when it becomes illegal.

Next Sunday You’ll have the hurling lads saying pulls across a players head are fine because not intentional.

It’s quite frustrating to see the lack of consistency when their own counties are involved.


If you get it wrong you’re liable for red. It’s a legitimate part of a contact sport as it always was. Would you be one of the lads who applauded Kyle Hayes’ hit on Gearoid Mc a couple of years back? I don’t remember you wanting it outlawed anyway

It’s probably far more dangerous than the “high” arm around the neck that’s always penalised with a yellow card.

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Do you remember a ref Johnny McDonagh ?

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Yep, exactly. Don’t recall that one. He went through the back of canning in the final, think that one should have been a yellow at minimum but no free given. I’ve said before that I think Gillane and Hegarty should have gotten reds earlier in the championship.

Doesn’t ring a bell.

If the force is hard enough there’s a significant risk of the shoulder tackle carrying on into the head, as happened with the Small/McLaughlin collision. A clash of heads can happen, or whiplash type concussion. These are heavy forces being exerted on the human body.

GAA culture determines that the immediate reaction of the crowd to such a tackle is a collective mini-orgasm. Determining when it is dangerous can under current rules only be a matter of interpretation based on incomplete evidence. You’d need endless video replays to determine each case. And still it would largely be interpretation.


You’re overstating it. It was a clear red in real time.

Not in real time it wasn’t. And especially not if you’re facing the back of the player getting hit, as Lane was.

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I didn’t think so. My initial reaction was fair shoulder.


Disagree. It was a straight red in real time. I can’t believe anyone would even think it’s up for debate. Shoulders to the head are always. Straight red.

Multiple journalists and commentators have been honest enough to say they thought it was hefty but ok in real time.


You didn’t form that view based on one viewing in real time. I was sitting just behind the press area and had a very good view of it and I did not form that view of it on one look. I formed the view it was dangerous based on a close up slow motion replay, just like you did., and everybody else who is wise after the event.

A view which was not available to live, one look only viewers.


That’s it exactly. The immediate reaction is “what a hit”. Then when a player stays down, the question becomes “was it legitimate?” People can’t trust what they’ve seen. But you also can’t referee based on outcome alone, because that’s refreeing blind. After about 15 seconds people in the ground furiously whip out their phones and hope that RTE Player runs a long enough delay so they can see the replay of it. The people who are going on the least amount of information are those on pitch who have to make the decision.

I’d say 90% of people in the ground thought Kevin McManamon’s hit on Peter Crowley at the end of the 2016 semi-final was fair on one looking.

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Never occurred to me to check RTÉ player at a match. Would you not have to endure about 3 minutes of ads first?

Sky Go would probably be a better bet.


I was watching it on RTE player and for some reason the commentary was in Irish :laughing:

Forget about that, gaa players in Blackrock would probably get bullied.

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A lot if the big rural schools, Jarlaths, Flannans, Mels, were boarding schools, attracting lads from all over. They haven’t won much since boarding stopped in early 2000s

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