2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Do you think getting hit with a hurley doesn’t hurt?

Colm O Rourke is a fierce man for it. I hope none of his sons were arty types who got nervous in front of big crowds.

Conor showed all his class when he spoke up for Peter — it’s just a shame some Limerick lads on here couldnt show the same…

He wouldn’t know in fairness


You can’t move a 45 in.


It does, but a one handed flick doesn’t do a lot of damage, you’d expect to pick up worse in games. It’s evidenced by the outcomes too. Barrett wasnt sent to hospital after being knocked out cold and with his jaw broken in two places, was he?

You’re trying really hard to make two incidents the same when they are not the same, one is far worse.

You’re also focusing on the result rather than the action.



I was wide open for a cheap shot there and you took it, fair play. John Small-esque.

It was a little more than a one handed flick in fairness. The hurley was turned on its side for maximum impact. He could just have easily done serious damage if he connected in certain place.

I agree they’re not the same. Small went for a shoulder which was mistimed in the course of the general ebb and flow of the game. Gillane struck an opponent with force when the whistle had already been blown.

There’s no comparison.

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Cause and effect are related, a flick of hurley isn’t liable to do that level of damage. I don’t think Gillane tried to hurt a player, Small definitely did. I do think Gillane has poor discipline and is liable to be an idiot.

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Small’s tackle was reckless at the very best and intended to hurt the player on the other end of it.

How the fuck can anyone tell what Small intended to do? You’re talking shite … it was a bad tackle yes, but saying he went to intentionally hurt him is idle speculation…


That’s a fair enough view. I don’t think there was as much at that in it. It it had been head high it’d be a different story. As it was, you’d regularly pick up a few belts like that in any hurling match and it was never liable to send a guy to hospital.

Same as 99% of shoulders in football so

Small’s tackle was nothing like 99% of shoulders in football, in my view.

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Anything is possible on TFK …

John Small is stronger than 99% of footballers, in my view.

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Cathal Barrett could go to work the following day and he played on that game

The Mayo lad will be eating dinner through a straw for a month

The incidents are incomparable

Gillane was stupid , irresponsible & very lucky to have stayed on

The Small shoulder was reckless and dangerous . It had awful consequences . Only John Small will know the intentions

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That’s only looking at the outcome. Small wanted to get the ball back for his team. Gillane’s was when the whistle was gone and the ball was dead