2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Why did he lead with his shoulder so? Surely better served trying to execute a dispossession or bottling him up with his arms?

Only looking at the outcome !!!

Bloody right I am . That is why there is such a hullabulooo over this . I am sure the Mayo player and his family are fairly upset about “the outcome “

A shoulder from a man with the strength of Small is very likely to get the ball back for his team

The outcome has nothing to do with which is worse in my mind. Small wanted to win the ball, Gillane had nothing to do with the ball or the game


It was an illegal challenge front on. He had no chance of executing a legitimate shoulder in that situation. It’s like telling a football player that he was right to do a sliding tackle through a player to win the ball. Rash, reckless and malicious.

He had every chance of dispossessing him by tackling the ball or bottling him up.

Easy say that in your or my shoes .

My point is the the shoulder by JS was reckless and dangerous and this was bourn out by the awful injury .

Bringing in the AG & CB incident is a straw man

Why is an incident in a completely different sport being used in the argument?

Small went to hit him as hard as physically possible. He has responsibility to ensure he meets the man on the shoulder.

It was reckless and he is responsible for the injury suffered. It should have been a red card.

He locked his fingers together to brace for the hit for fuck sake

Ah shtop …aiden o Mahoney ,Conor gormley, Henry Downey, paddy o rourke , Liam harnan , Keith Barr , Conor counihan , the horse Kennelly, Kieran mcgeeney, any centre back I can think of would have minced a lad given the chance …Colm Boyle of mayo was always trying to mince lads…doesn’t mean it’s not a red card nor does it mean they wanted to stick a lad in hospital …

You clearly have an issue with Dublin football team , you’ve been on this theme for a long time now …


Because glas has no problem calling John Small a scumbag but won’t say the same about a Limerick player.

The Small challenge was definitely a red card though

Bizarre that you would use a different sport to try and get a fella to call a man a scum bag.

Which is likely to do more damage? Of course the outcome is relevant.

Swinging back a hurl can do awful damage …

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I think you’re going after the wrong Limerick to be honest, Gillane is not the nastiest. And intent has a huge amount to do with it. Small was gone demented, he assaulted another player about five minutes after, I don’t think you’ve dealt with that.

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Sure you’d do that for any shoulder.

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That was McCarthy

There have been lots of heavy tackles down the years, of course. Not many where a player was injured to the degree McLaughlin was.

Why are people overlooking that Small assaulted another player about five minutes later in the same game? It’s ridiculous stuff. I’ve no issue calling him filthy after the damage he did and he then going off committing another red card offence five minutes later.

Honestly now, how often do you see that?

And that despite the fact that Small’s was an entirely legitimate hit slightly mistimed.

Whereas Gillane deliberately struck with the Hurley and Casey aimed a headbutt at an opponent.

The cognitive dissonance is hilarious.

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You’ve contradicted yourself in the space of eight worse there, you dope.

Its utterly pointless trying to discuss anything, lads looking to score points in every single fucking thread.

Pack of steamers

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“yeah but look at this incident over here, it’s completely different but it’s the exact same so you’re wrong”. Nonsense stuff.