2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

The day a hit like that is not appreciated is the day the games die.

What was he trying to achieve when he poked Sean ó donoghue in the goolies with his hurley


I love a good shoulder tackle. The most annoying thing is when a good shoulder gets a yellow.

Gwan Jinxy

This is the hit here. When it happened, there were numerous posts on here looking for RTE to show the replay, because in normal time, it was inconclusive that he hit his head. You would presume so due to the way he fell, but far from conclusive. Its absolutely clear in the replay it was a bad tackle and warranted a red, but Lanes view is not good to see that, Deegan should have seen the head contact. However, it’s very clear in the very moment after he was hit in the head, Lane stutters looking at McLaughlin on the ground, but then runs on. He should have stopped the game. If he did, there is a chance he’d have seen the injury and realised its a red. By not stopping it, he couldn’t go back and red card him.

Small should have seen red. He didn’t go to smash his jaw, but he did go to burst him with a shoulder. His body position was all wrong though to make it legitimate, in the lead up he is facing McLaughlin, not side on, so it’s Small who turns his body, but doesn’t turn enough to make it a side on impact.



This is the retaken 45. You can see Lane run back to tell Hennelly not to take it and then go to McMahon to tell him to stop. Dublin made a sub after Mayo did and McMahon ran on and intentionally in front of Hennelly before going back out the field.


Yeah I was talking to a Dublin supporter after full-time and remarked that they deserved to be pegged back for their cynicism in the last 5-10 mins. He was adamant that they hadn’t been cynical. The Davy Byrne tackle on Kevin McLoughlin, the Cormac Costello drag down on a kick out at 12-7 and Evan Comerford playing keep ball on his own goal line were very cynical pieces of play in my opinion. This from a team who systematically (a real Joe Brolly word) dragged down Mayo defenders at the final kickout in 2017. He then remarked he’d rather see anyone other than Mayo win the final.

Eamon Heery on Colm O’Rourke around 3:50 into this is one of the best blindside shoulders ever executed. As with the Small hit it came off a hospital pass. Heery 100% goes in to hurt O’Rourke and hurt him he does, O’Rourke was seeing stars for minutes and had a contact lens knocked out by the hit. O’Rourke eventually got up and went on to be one of the key players in Meath’s win, which is part of why he deserves immense respect as one of the great players of all time even if he’s a whiny cunt these days.



Strange commentary by Darragh Maloney, ends up saying “well that was…John Small”. Almost pulls out of saying that it was a big hit. Is Darragh a Dublin man?

When Byrne conceded the 45, Small threw a belt at Ryan O’Donoghue after the ball went out of play. Highlighted on the Sunday Game.

That was about twenty minutes later. Maybe he’s exaggerating for effect again, he’s a divil for the literary devices

See coyles tackle on mick galvin I think it is at 29 mins ? Clean elbow to the face

I disagree. Players welfare must be the priority not the viewing pleasure of joe public. The shoulder tackle will go, and rightly so.

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A Vincent’s man

Probably the dirtiest bastard ever to stand on a pitch. And useless too.

The tradition of Jim Stynes costing his team a semi-final by running across Garry Buckenara’s last second kick in 1987 finally comes home to Dublin.

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Dirty yes… but useless , I don’t think so , he must have played on every line of field at intercounty level @Cheasty ? A utility man who could headhunt too … saved meath in 96 final with that bizarre late point


Not an honest broker is Dooher


He had no ability. A jack of all trades and master of none. Other than filth,

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Absolutely 110% correct,

The shoulder was never on.