2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

3 all Ireland medals with two different Meath teams …

True but there were a lot of good players on both those teams so he could be carried.

The dictionary definition of “toerag” is “Colm Coyle”.

If Colm Coyle was a poster here he would be @Tassotti. Always on the wind up. And he had the face of a wind up merchant too.

You’d miss characters like Colm Coyle from the game.


The vaccine portal opened to over 18s at the end of May in the O6. So the likely date of an 18-30 being fully vaccinated was late Aug (2 weeks after the second dose). Going with a 10 week turnaround on AZ.

Now the biggest issue lies with panels down south.

How are the full Cork, Limerick and Kerry panels fully vaccinated? To do so would have involved their county boards pulling strokes to do so.

I don’t think he went to break his jaw either, but certainly went to do him.

Coyle played as late as 1998 having been there since the mid 80s at least. Three All-Ireland medals. You don’t do that if you’re useless.

And we have it. The issue lies with the vaccinated :joy:


The issue lies with how certain counties with panel members in their 20s were vaccinated long before they were due.

Dooher thought lads would lose 2 weeks because of the vaccine. What a stupid cunt :rofl::rofl:


If the shoulder ever goes the games are fucked. Gaelic football and hurling as well as being ball games also essentially physical contests. Taking that element out would result in deeply sanitised sports that would be less fun to play and would be unwatchable.


And him a vet

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I disagree. Its just one type of tackle, games will be fine without it.


Maybe he dosed them with ivermectin


So basically because Tyrone didn’t skip a vaccine queue they should be thrown out of the Championship in some people’s eyes.

Deary me.

Joe Brolly claiming he met Padraig O’ Hora out walking his dog in Ballina last week and that they interacted. Brolly either does some travelling or likes fabricating stories.

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Both are true tbf

It’s the only type of tackle in which genuine physical contact is involved.

And compared to what you see in rugby or American football, really big hits are rare.

The risk of being injured is part of the game. If it wasn’t there it wouldn’t be what it is.

How about shoulder to shoulder legal if both competing for ball but illegal if ball in one players possession?

The latter would prevent challenges like Small that cause all the damage.


Tell that to the insurance companies.

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That would seem to be a way around it alright

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