2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

You need a way to physically tackle somebody. In Gaelic football the only other way of bringing that in would be to have an Aussie Rules style tackle. This would fundamentally change the game. And it’s not an option in hurling.

You’ll have video replays at inter county level in the not too distant future rather than abolishing the shoulder.

That’s what I was wondering … what’s the actual rule on a shoulder ? I’d guess it was intended exactly for way you say above but like a lot of rules on gaa it’s not actually implemented

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Dooher wanted lads to take “their chances with the virus” rather than lose 2 weeks with the vaccine.
He seems to mean that if they got the virus they were supposed to break social distancing rules and come to training anyway.

Now he’s nearly fucking killed his players :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Ryan O’Donoghue delivered a brilliant shoulder last Saturday on Sean McMahon - hit him with everything he had but perfectly legally when McMahon was coming out with the ball. McMahon immediately tried to get rid of the ball, and Mayo turned it over while McMahon crawled along the ground on his hands and knees. McMahon had to leave the field but I expect it was just because he had been completely emptied by it rather than any lasting damage.

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shoulder tackles are the best part of the game

how about we go play netball

he owes the mayo lad a duty of care and it wasnt recklessness at all, as you say

You’d be in the minority with that view. It’s a matter of when rather than if the shoulder tackle is outlawed. Concussion in sports need to be prevented and the shoulder tackle, like that executed by Small does increase the chance of a concussion.

Even if it resuts in lads getting their jaw broken in two places? Tackles like Small’s and the Tyrone goalie’s are reckless, dangerous and cowardly. Should be red card offences.


It’s easy for lads like @Tank to glorify such tackles from the cheap seats.

Back in the day wasn’t it a more hip v hip clash? Ad opposed to shoulder v shoulder ?

They’re already red card offences. Which is why video replay will be brought in in the near future. To make sure they’re punished.

So as long as a red card is given, it justifies the damage done by the tackle?

Any high profile sportsman who is not an asthmatic is kidding himself

Small committed a foul, the rules don’t allow it.
He should have been sent off but the ref bottled it.

It was. Aul lads would always shout “hip
him hip him”

Wha? It’s quite simple. You enforce the rules. If you enforce the rules it’s less likely such incidents happen. But unfortunately enforcing the rules is something the GAA has trouble doing. Video replay should give you a better chance of doing that. But as an organisation you have to be serious about rules.

I mean on this thread and others we’ve had Limerick people glorifying a guy who headbutted an opponent and got off based on the classic Irish nudge nudge wink wink culture. So these people are total hypocrites. Headbutting is against the rules and it’s against the law. It’s a world way from somebody getting a shoulder wrong.

Video replay would completely destroy the game.
That’s a stupider suggestion than banning the shoulder tackle.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy was right when he said there needs to be accountability for shit referees and probably more training for refs as well. All the GGA care about is money and covering their backs.

Also Small should get a banning after the game if the ref misses it.

We already have video replay in Croke Park for scores.

Video replay does not destroy other sports. Give each team one challenge per game, which carries over if successful.

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