2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

It’s not hard at all to sue. It maybe hard to sue successfully, but that’s a different thing.
Didn’t stop play, didn’t send a lad/lady off who later causes an injury, didn’t check a team sheet and an illegal player causes an injury etc etc.

Ive a good buddy who got chinned by McConville in a Belfast nightclub. Oisin was getting off with my buddy’s girlfriend. Buddy said what are you doing. McConville punched him straight in the face. Buddy, despite being European Thai Boxing champion, did nothing as half of Cross was standing behind McConville.


In fairness, the ref simply signs the team sheet he’s given and submits it to the committee in charge of the fixture. He’d have no way of knowing whether a player was illegal or not. That’s for the boys in the boardroom.

Was your buddy’s girlfriend asleep or something ?


That would be the end of the GAA I’d say. Reffing is shit enough as it is


I know! Same lad is a nightmare with beer. McGeeney had him doing Thai Boxing when he was in charge of Kildare. They went out on the beer one night and he never heard from McGeeney again.

Blind shifting a lad who looks like Frankenstein

All way too subjective.

Why would you involve the ref at all?

It would be the GAA you’d sue…bigger fish.

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Just wait. It’ll happen.

One major case in rugby.

I think the GAA will be ok.

I think a referee suing a player will occur first.

McConville seems a prickly sort who doesn’t like people to disagree with him or call him out for using words he used that he then denies using.

He also played for an Armagh team that prided itself on big hits.

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What did bellew get for his assault on Linden?

Yellow too?

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I’ll never understand lads getting pissed off at the random fella whose job to look after their relationship it isn’t as opposed to their girlfriend who’s shifting some lad straight in front of them :joy:


100 percent

Yeah McConville hardly knew her relationship status in this instance.

Punching him in the face probably wasn’t necessary all the same


Fair play to yer man for eyeing up the situation and realising the best course of action. Some lads here would have him tearing into half of Cross rather than walking away.


Fucking hell you can hear Flynn’s voice quivering there, McConville made absolute shite of him

Flynn will be checking under the car for the next few weeks


On the match and the blue book coming unbound.

It’s clear in hindsight that dublins success came down to two factors. Professional funding, plus Jim Gavin. Both were needed, Jim Gavin isn’t winning all Ireland’s with Roscommon, but his guidance and gameplan was the key, as he had the raw materials to implement it. From what I know of him Gavin seems to be a genius, as I wrote elsewhere more akin to Belichick or John Wooden than a standard gaa manager. I asked someone in the Dublin camp at the start of last year what the fall off would be from Gavin to Dessie and the reply was ‘massive and irreversible’ I thought that was wrong, the systems and standards he had in place would endure but it was entirely correct. Gavin had essentially cracked football, with scripted plays and selflessness drummed into them. He needed great athletes with pro level preparation to do it and got that.

It wasn’t the conditioning that let them down last weekend, it was hunger, Mayo are fairly limited but Dublin, for the first time in years, just didn’t want to be there. Hard to see dessie turn that around, he’s in the unenviable position of first manager after a legend and I dont think he has what it takes.

I thought the funding, the residue of gavin plus the paucity of opposition would keep Dublin up there for years (and it will in Leinster) but I forgot how wasteful they have always been. They have always had a wealth of advantages compared to all other counties, but needed to be treated as a special project by the gaa and the government to win titles. Which is hard to believe. Contrast to Limerick, who have none of dublins advantages but used proper funding to put structures in place and with some rural ingenuity become successful at a far more difficult game.

A final shout out to my old buddy Ewan, we’ve been telling the truth for years, me on here, you stealing a lot of my arguments and using them on Twitter with your own, but the worm has turned, public opinion has sided against injustice, enjoy it.