2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

No counter argument from the skanger, so hang your dreams on a typo. Time to go for boxers there flynner.

You were the one sneering about reading ability and comprehension.

You’ve made no argument so a counter argument is unnecessary

Again, I set it out. Money mainly and Jim Gavin made them successful. Dubliners are generally useless (any country person will quietly admit this) so without all that help they’d eventually flounder. Imagine any other county had all that help.

Where did I say they’d win 20 in a row by the way, you were repeating earlier that I said that?

The fact Your ‘argument ‘ makes no reference to the players Dublin have lost since Gavin went is fcukin ridiculous … some of the best players of their generation …

We get funding proportionate to our population which is used to help increase participation which it has done.

Jim Gavin didn’t make us great though he helped. Alan Brogan, Bernard Brogan, Diarmuid Connolly, Brian Fenton, Jack Mccaffrey, James McCarthy, Stephen Cluxton, Con O Callaghan, Paul Flynn and quite a few more made us great.

Your never ending spewing of racist bile aimed at Dublin people is getting tiresome.


@maroonandwhite is beating @binkybarnes and @Bisto up a stick here. The two Dublin lads are making well thought out, factual points but when @maroonandwhite hits back with “stop robbing old people’s houses you heroin addicts” it’s a complete knockout.

Top, top debating from the exceedingly useful and intelligent Galway man.

Are you living in the USA? Either way you have no idea of the impact or role of funding on Dublin GAA. The aim of the funding* was to increase participation and it funded GPOs to go into local schools to foster interest and participation in GAA; effectively to replace the role that was traditionally done by male National Teachers.

In this regard it has been successful - too successful in ways as clubs struggled to provide the playing and coaching infrastructure to cope with the numbers. Massive efforts trying to get parents from a non-GAA (or non-sporting) background skilled up to develop youngsters’ skills with mixed results.

At a county level Dublin Co Board may have questions to answer in relation to development of new clubs; likes of Crokes and Na Fianna having multiple teams at same age levels while others are struggling to field.

Is there scope for new clubs in south or west Dublin to deal with these numbers - access to playing facilities is an issue though, ask Kevins or Cuala. A lad from Na Fianna told me a couple of years ago that they were paying €25k p.a. to rent pitches for training alone, the downside of increased participation in ways. Ironically, some amalgamations are probably required in the Northside because of demographics but increased housing developments may ameliorate this in time.

Bottom line in my experience is that funding is doing some things right but has created issues for clubs and has had little direct impact on the 6-in-a-row, most whom would have featured anyways.

  • Success brings additional funding from the likes of hydration partners, gents outfitters etc. but that’s a different discussion

Good lord. No argument whatsoever so Dubliners are now a race

The south side 4x4s are circling

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South Dublin is hurling country now.

Crokes for all their hype and money had what one player on the Dublin football panel this year.

Simply not good enough.

We’re building people in Crokes. Not footballers. Paul Mannion is a case in point.

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He’s still ripping it up for Crokes in the League this summer.

A good chance he’ll be back in blue next year.

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You can only respect lads like him and McCaffrey who step away from it.


When it comes to these dubs You can’t say that no player is bigger than the game … the likes of mannion , Macauley and mcaffrey have left the game behind…they have work to do elsewhere … outstanding young men …


Surely Ballymun will go flat out for All Ireland Club. Last throw of the dice really.

The same Paul Flynn that worked for the Recruitment Company that was tasked with getting candidates for the role?


You’re after getting a worse hiding than galway u20 Hurlers here. Time for you to go back under your rock for another few days.

Don’t ever mention Rock to a Galwayman. Gives them nightmares.


The Dubs are Hollywood FC of spud games. Everyone obssessed with them. Little tidbits of behind the scenes has lads forthing at the mouth.

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A truly great team. Truly great teams alter the sport and the Dubs undoubtedly have.