2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

There would be a few decent lads from the last few 20 teams but nothing like some of Dessie or Jim Gavin’ s u21 teams. Lee Gannon, Ciaran Archer, Lorcan o Dell. I’d say we will be there or thereabouts for the next few years but won’t be dominating. 12 in a row as predicted by some some window lickers around here seems unlikely


A very good but non dominant Dublin would actually be ‘great for the association’. Having them as the team everyone loves to hate and beat but crucially people feel they have a chance to beat would be the ideal situation and is I presume what the funding pumpers wanted. You want them to win every couple of years to keep their fans cocky and interested but also losing 50pc or more years to keep the whole thing motoring along and the crowds up. They got too dominant too quickly after being such losers for so long and the new fans especially kids were getting bored of it all and windy counties like Kildare and Meath just gave up altogether. Surely they’ll feel they’re back in the game now.


Peader O’ Cofaigh Byrne might develop into an MDMA type player out around the middle too maybe?

Should you not be watching the u20 AIF on tg4? Cork are kicking the shit out of ye in case you are wondering.

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Not a hope, disappointing so far and he can kick the ball.

He will on his hole


I’m watching it yes. Believe it or not some people watch games and comment on tfk too. You are struggling badly to make any argument here.

Fair play to cork, they out the work in and developed, didn’t buy success.

You made a show of yourself here for years pissing and moaning about financial doping and now you’re trying to pass it off with glib bullshit. All the dire predictions about 20 in a row and the death of gaelic football look pretty stupid now. But you are an especially stupid cunt so that’s hardly surprising.


I was right for years, sure 6 bought all Irelands and how many Leinster’s prove it! Thankfully an honest rural team showed heart beats the bank eventually

You were never right in your life

So no counter argument bar shurrup wil yiz. This is more embarrassing that Paul Flynn soiling himself on air.

Counter argument? You predicted 20 on a row and the death of football. Counter argument me hole

Where was this?

Jesus Christ … that is some bollox … even for you… did you prepare it last year and then saved it when Dubs won under Farrell?


Get off the heroin and robbing old peoples houses and invest time in reading comprehension.

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:joy::joy: so is it 2 or 3 factors mister reading comprehension…you’re some plum …

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The top two was the reason for Dublin’s success over the past few years, mainly funding.

The third was what let them down last weekend.

Jesus. Put down the heroin will you.

So if they had the third would they have been successful ? :joy:

If they had Gavin there then yes. The smiley faces aren’t the compelling arguments you think. Listen the soccer’s back don’t worry about understanding the ‘gah’ for a while

The top two were the reason, Mr Comprehension